07 Phrases Of Self-improvement

07 phrases of personal improvement

Pablo Pieda is a 38-year-old who represents very well the idea of ​​overcoming challenges through hard work and effort. Pablo has Down syndrome and a teaching degree; he is a person who teaches us what perseverance and resilience is. To learn from people like Pablo, we’ve listed seven phrases for self-improvement to learn more about ourselves and go beyond.

Personal overcoming is a change through which a person acquires a series of qualities that improve their life. We must seek and find a state of satisfaction with ourselves and the world around us.

A process of change causes fear and insecurity  due to deeply held mistaken beliefs. It’s hard to banish these beliefs and go beyond fear. Here are some phrases for personal improvement that can help you to overcome yourself and think differently.

act don’t hold back

Many people complain about what they don’t have but do nothing to change it; every day they demonstrate their dissatisfaction and also their stagnation. If you’re not happy, it’s time to change.

Don’t conform, be sure to search and let curiosity guide your way. Remember how you explored the world when you were a child, recover this way of seeing life and live an adventure every second.


Everything is hard before it’s easy

When we face a new challenge, everything seems complicated, full of uncertainty and we get stressed. However, this is a barrier we need to overcome in order to be what we want to be, not what others expect of us.

Everything that was initially difficult becomes easy, because we learn to overcome, accept and face our fears. They stop being a threat and become a motivation.

you are your priority

We often prioritize the needs of others, what they want, what they need to be happy and we forget about our own happiness. And how are we?

love yourself

The time has come to become your own priority. Sometimes we need to put ourselves first, we need time to ourselves . This is not selfishness, but balanced thinking about others and yourself.

You deserve to be happy

We deserve to be happy and sometimes we forget about it. We do what we believe will make others happy and we don’t reflect on what we like, what touches our heart and makes us smile.

You too deserve to be happy, have your heart and soul full of joy, live every moment, fulfill your dreams, show your passions and feel loved.

be brave and take the risks

The biggest obstacle when changing is to overcome fear, because there is always a risk. We need to manage and face fear; that way we will learn and grow as a person.

To grow as people we have to take risks. In every action there is a risk of failure, but face it all as learning: as a way to get to know yourself better and learn to react to fears.

be honest with yourself

Lying to ourselves is a strategy for not facing our fears. We often make excuses for not moving forward and this makes us deeply unhappy because we know that change is in our hands.

Face reality with sincerity to perceive and overcome all the obstacles that life presents us with. Don’t lie, admit your faults, value your virtues and find out who you really are.


Do not stop dreaming

This is one of the most important phrases of personal overcoming, because having dreams is the first phase of a successful overcoming process. Think about your dream, what this moment will be like, what you will feel, what emotions will be involved, who will be by your side, etc. Bring your dream to life.

Visualizing our dreams in detail every day will help us have a goal.  This objective must be concrete, so that we can work towards its realization. So when we define our dreams we need to be very specific.

Remember these phrases for personal improvement every day, write them in a visible place and put them into practice to achieve your goals.

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