3 Negative Thoughts You May Be Harboring Without Realizing It

There are certain thoughts that we hold almost unconsciously that can hurt us. These are negative thoughts that you feed without realizing it. With the help you’ll find here to get to know them more deeply, you’ll be able to fight them.
3 negative thoughts you may be harboring without realizing it

The negative thoughts you unknowingly harbor can become your worst enemies, the ones that will block your personal growth and call on discomfort to be your daily companion.

What you say about yourself, to the world or to others, is more important than you think. In some ways, this determines your daily life, your way of life, and influences how you feel. So it’s important to identify what kind of negative thinking you have.

However, doing this is sometimes not so simple, as you have become used to cultivating a specific type of thinking and you do it automatically and unconsciously. I mean, most of the time you don’t even realize what you’re saying to yourself.

So  this list of negative thoughts that we’ll present below can help you. You may find that you feed some, all or none of them. In any case, you will certainly reflect on the matter, and this will help you to understand yourself and others. Are you ready?

The Negative Thoughts You Can Feed Without Realizing It

remember your strength

1- “I’m not good enough”

One of the most common insecurities is  thinking you don’t measure up. Do you think you are not good enough or not capable?

In today’s society,  there are more and more people who consider themselves inferior to others and who come to think that they are incapable of carrying out what they set out to do. However, this undervaluation is the result of a chain of negative thoughts.

Now why do you think you’re not good enough? According to some experts, the information society has a lot to do with it. Today  we are constantly connected  and we know at all times, if we want to, what others are doing and what is happening in every part of the world.

So, day after day, we can find out how often others travel, what they eat, what their goals are achieved or how happy they seem to be in their publications. The problem is that this information, which is most often biased, influences us and somehow enhances the habit of comparing ourselves,  whether with our friends or with  influencers or successful people in our society. The question is: for what?

In general, comparing is a practice that doesn’t make much sense,  because each person has their own history, their way of being, their past… Comparisons are not usually on equal terms, but we ignore this because we are blind to their results, most of them against us.

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