5 Short Films That Will Help Us Understand Our Feelings

5 short films that will help us understand our feelings

It is very difficult for us to understand that  emotions must be experienced, understood, controlled and, above all, expressed.  Generally, what we do by social convention is just the opposite: running away from them and not understanding our feelings.

Thus, we cruelly punish our way of feeling, especially restraining children and adults who are characterized by a certain sensitivity and special capacity in relation to the demonstration of their emotions.

To work on these aspects we have many wonderful tools at our fingertips ; among them, short films or videos that are intended to help us reflect and release those feelings that we cannot tolerate.

love is a beautiful casualty

The animated short film Lucky You  is a clear example that love can change everything and that that person will always arrive who, with a hug and a smile, will restore every wounded part of our soul. 

Valuing friendship, overcoming differences and helping

It is not always easy to overcome difficulties, and sometimes there are differences that seem to be irreparable. This short film gives us a great lesson about friendship and the importance of staying with those we love and who love us.

Differences come closer if we know how to listen to them

 Pixar ‘s short film  “The Moon” provides many lessons. Working as a team and taking into account each point of view can be complicated, but if we attend to others we can achieve wonderful things.

In the same way, this short film shows that by getting upset we can only lose the opportunity to share beautiful moments, to feel and enjoy life.

Pay attention to essence, not appearances

Appearances disappear like smoke sold by the protagonist of this short.  So, referring to the popular saying  that “appearances can be deceiving” , we should start looking for the depth of people. What we show can change, what we feel cannot.


We don’t listen to understand, we listen to respond

If we want to be heard, it is important that we cultivate our ability to do so. Relationships require reciprocity and tolerance, something we often overlook.

All these short films help us not only to understand our feelings and emotions, but also to remember our values ​​and put them into practice without letting ourselves be guided by those feelings that do us no good.

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