5 Tips To Be More Creative

5 tips to be more creative

The great painter Vincent van Gogh said that “if you hear a voice inside you that says ‘you can’t paint,’ then paint, no matter what happens, and the voice will be silenced.” Unfortunately, as we get older, we seem to forget about it, but it is possible to combat this situation with these tips to be more creative.

Many people confuse creativity with the ability to express themselves in an artistic way. However, creative thinking is much more complex, complete and positive than mere painting or architecture, to speak of just two very common types of art.

What is creativity?

Creativity is the ability to produce something from nothing. They also define it as the foundation or establishment of something for the first time. Likewise, we can refer to it as the fact of giving life or causing something to be born in a figurative sense.


However, this definition may be a little sparse for what we understand today as creativity. Creative thinking is capable of finding different solutions to any type of problem.

Many people feel that they are not creative. Some do not believe they can contribute ideas that could even transform the world. However, the truth is that creativity is not only a talent, it can also be considered a trainable, upgradeable, and leverageable skill.

Tips to be more creative

To fully understand the tips to be more creative and know that it’s something we can all achieve, it’s best to talk to experts. In this case, let’s know what two people think who showed that this skill is their greatest weapon. They are Juliana García and Germán Ferruncho, from the famous advertising agency Ogilvy & Mather. What do they propose to avoid the fear of creating?

understand creativity

This example is a fantastic way to understand creativity: comparing it to an electrical current. If we have current, we will have light, otherwise not. With creativity, it’s the same. If it exists, everything flows and evolves, if not, everything remains as it is.

Imagine that the human being would not have thought of using a wheel to facilitate transport. Can you think of what the world would be like today without this invention? For that is true creativity.

Creativity has no exclusivity

Another important point is exclusivity. As we mentioned at the beginning, creativity cannot be applied only to artists. Even in housework, if we are creative, we can find formulas to make it more comfortable, brief and even fun.

A very simple example our experts provide in this article is the morning greeting. Can you imagine what would happen if you changed something every morning? Without a doubt, such a simple gesture can change the whole day.

So it is with everything you do. If you change your hairstyle, people will look at you differently. If you choose flashy clothes, it’s the same. In other words, just changing your daily routine will make you a more creative person. That simple.

let your ideas flow

Popularly called brainstorming, this is a fundamental tool for creative people. Letting your thoughts flow and turning them into ideas is a spectacular way to find inspiring spaces.

Increase creativity

Creativity can be trained

Obviously some people are born more creative than others, just as there are those who have greater intellectual capacity or have great mathematical or spatial thinking. But that doesn’t mean we can’t train and improve in any artistic, scientific, etc. field.

We have to think of imagination as a muscle that needs daily gymnastics. If we get out of the usual routines, our world will not only be more fun, but it will also become a more inspiring space.

avoid lazy thoughts

In general, we grow and develop in a specific cultural environment. Traditions, religion, customs, ideology… All of this can lead us to accommodate ourselves and prevent us from leaving our comfort zone.

If we think of our world as a rigid structure, we are unlikely to think creatively. We must beware of thoughts that “bind” us too much, as they  keep us from leaving the repetitive comfort of patterns.

You shouldn’t say you can’t. If you don’t try, you won’t be able to. With these tips to be more creative, we can all find new ways of thinking that will help us find solutions to any problem that until now we never imagined could be valid. We will try?

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