7 Life Mates Who Harm Us

7 life mates who harm us

There are certain “companions” of life to which you must say “goodbye”; the problem is that some of them are so deeply ingrained that it is very difficult to let them go. For this reason, it is so difficult to say goodbye to a partner with whom we have lived for almost a lifetime, just as it is difficult to say “goodbye” to all the people who no longer add anything to our lives.

Learning to say goodbye to them all will help us to grow, to free us from all the excuses that keep us from moving forward by constantly clinging to the very thing that held us prisoner. Now is the time to let go. Now is the time to grow up.

Today we will discover some things that we must say goodbye to, because often it is not that we do not know how to let go, but that we do not know with certainty what we should let go of. But that will change today, it’s time to move on!

It’s time to say “goodbye” to these life partners

Not everyone is prepared to say “goodbye” and few can. It is about stopping the inertia, so first it is necessary to eliminate the speed that takes us in the opposite direction and then start building the new. First you need to let go so that new opportunities can appear.

Of course, having these loads on our shoulders has to do with being unable to identify them. That’s why today we present 7 things you need to say “goodbye” to to keep growing. Don’t get attached to something that is hurting you. It’s time to break free.

1 – Farewell to resistance!

Sometimes we don’t feel “in tune” with what we’re doing and that makes us sad. The big problem is that there is something that keeps us from moving forward, perhaps because an unfounded fear prevents us from making this change that we so much need.


Stop clinging to what doesn’t let you be free, because no one forces you to, you’re the one limiting yourself! You better stop resisting and warding off the fear. What you are so attached to is not giving you the security you think you have.

Find what employs resistance and let go! Resistance will imprison you in an unwanted circumstance that will do you no good. It’s time to change and only you have the power and will to do that.

2 – Stay away from limitations

Our beliefs limit us much more than we think. For example, if we think we don’t like something we probably won’t even take the risk of proving it and finding us wrong. On the other hand, when we do this, we end up distancing ourselves from him at the slightest sign of discontent. Don’t forget that our minds work trying to confirm our beliefs and not trying to prove them, as the scientific method does.

Imagine that all these barriers that exist around you were created by you. Nothing put them there, they are pure creation of your mind. Therefore, only you can bring them down, in your hands is the power to destroy everything that limits you. Once you get away from everything that is holding back your dreams, you will feel free and invincible to achieve whatever you set out to do. Learn to identify barriers and start breaking them down. Now you can fulfill all your dreams.

3 – Expectations are unrealistic

Many of the expectations we work with are not real. This would not matter if they were not a source of unfounded hopes that often, and under the very weight of reality, are not fulfilled. When not fulfilled  , frustration, distrust and disappointment arise.


Saying goodbye to expectations can be a real challenge because we have been following the path that marks us for many years. The worst side of them is that most of the time they are created by someone external to us, who conditions our behavior with ulterior motives.

Also, imagine the times you expected something from someone. What was the result? You were sure to be disappointed. As soon as you learn to stop waiting, you also learn to accept. Only by getting rid of expectations will you be able to be happier.

4 – Fears, where?

Fears are the big barriers that stand between us and what we want, keeping us in our comfort zone. Learn to face them to overcome them because they are good for it! Fears will help you to grow, allow you to advance and learn.

Also, if you analyze your fears you will notice that they are created by you and that many are unfounded fears that we create without quite knowing why. Fear of loneliness, fear or shame of public speaking… Are these real fears?

Face fear in the eyes, face it and see it not as a barrier, but as an impulse to move you forward. Just look at it from another perspective, use it to your advantage, but never against you.

5 – I will be free, goodbye to attachment

Many people cling to others because they believe their happiness is in the hands of others. This is a serious and risky mistake. If your happiness is in the hands of other people, it is hanging by a thread.


Learn to see yourself as a complete being who doesn’t need anyone to be happy. It will be difficult to say goodbye to misguided attachment, emotional dependency, the responsibility to leave our happiness in the hands of others. But this is sorely necessary.

So learn to be free, reconcile with loneliness and never get attached to anyone for fear of not being mature enough to make your own decisions. Being free will be your best option to feel good about yourself.

6 – The past no longer matters

Why do you insist on living in the past? The present is most important and is where you must focus your strength if you want to be happy and move forward. Learn from your past, overcome it, but live in the now that is what truly matters.

Many people live in the past and cannot focus on the present. That’s why it’s important that you analyze what still hurts you, what you haven’t gotten over. Once you identify it, that’s the time to let it go.

When you let go of your past, you will realize that letting go of it seemed to be something much more difficult than it actually is. Now you can focus your forces on your present and move into the future. Looking at the past is not negative, but living in the past is.

7 – Say goodbye to guilt

Many people make others feel guilty for actions that are their responsibility. Others don’t have to feel responsible for your actions, and you don’t have any responsibility for the decisions of others either.


Learn to be consistent in your own decisions and not feel guilty about them. Every decision will have a result that can be a negative consequence. But it is always possible to absorb something positive from them.

So, accept your decisions! Every decision you make will lead you one way or the other, so regretting it is stupid. You can change its consequences, you can internalize what you’ve learned, but what you can’t do is go back in time and choose another option.

What does it cost to say “goodbye”? Would you add anything else? There are many situations that we cling to because they are not easy to let go of. Despite this, it is important to put all our efforts into trying to achieve this. Saying “goodbye” will be your best option.


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