9 Secrets To Knowing If Your Partner Cares About You

If you really love, you care about the other, because loving is caring and always trying your best for the person you love. These keys will help you know if your partner really cares about you.
9 secrets to knowing if your partner cares about you

How do you know if your partner cares about you? Many will tell us that they “just know”. However, doubts always sail through the mind, and sometimes we pay attention to dimensions and details that are not really significant. For example, it’s no use telling them how much they love us if they don’t feel any interest in knowing how our day went or what worries us.

Loving is not just being with the chosen person: it is making them feel that we are really close to their body, mind and heart. Wanting is caring and, above all, showing a genuine concern for the other and knowing how to respond to these needs. Few jobs are so careful and demanding.

Likewise, although it is true that sometimes, due to stress or work, we are not aware of the partner as we should, there must always be co-responsibility. In the lowest moments of one, it is the other who must support and vice versa. The task of affection is a craft of full-time attention and dedication that we cannot neglect.

Couple kissing

Keys to knowing if your partner cares about you

A happy, fulfilling relationship is built on many dimensions  that actually go far beyond love. In addition to affection, there must be empathy, the ability to reach agreements, share the same values, have good complicity, know how to understand the other…

Likewise,  a fundamental pillar in the relationship is, without a doubt, sensitivity to the other and the ability to respond to their needs. This dimension, the one referring to responsiveness, is a subject that has been studied for a long time by science. As an example, the University of Rochester (New York) carried out a study to present a scale that could help us assess this relational competence.

Established items can help us find out if your partner cares about you and if he or she responds to your needs. This is an area that certainly interests everyone. Let’s understand and go deeper, therefore, into those components that constitute one of the bases for happiness in a loving relationship.

1. Keep an active and sincere listening

Active listening makes us feel present and validated. With it, we know that those in front of us are receptive not only to the message we send, but also to the emotions we convey. Listening to the other with authenticity implies interest, empathy and, of course, concern.

2. Take a real interest in your opinion, thinking and feeling

How do you know if your partner takes a real interest in you? There are many ways to find out. First of all, he cares about what you say, he remembers, acts accordingly and also demonstrates in the small details of everyday life that he values ​​everything you explain  and have in mind.

Furthermore, he takes your opinions into account and responds based on them. Last but not least, it tunes in to their feelings, takes an interest in them, and seeks their well-being  under all circumstances.

3. Try to understand your perception of things

To know if your partner cares about you, you must determine if he or she demonstrates authentic empathy. Can he put himself in your shoes to understand why he’s feeling something? Is he able to understand your reality and your perception of things?

While it is true that there is no perfect person or ideal love, what must be offered in all cases is that authentic understanding of one who is able to take us into consideration in all times and circumstances.

4. Be aware of your needs and respond to them

It’s not enough for your partner to know you’ve had a bad day. Knowing how to respond implies knowing how to act, and for that there must be a desire to make the other feel good. Within the capabilities of each one, it is always possible to promote the well-being of the partner.

5. Take your concerns seriously

To know if your partner cares about you, you should pay attention to their words and behavior. If, in the face of every demand, need or comment, he says that “this is nonsense; you don’t have to worry about anything”  , it is evident that the relationship is not on the right track.

Also, if instead of taking seriously what worries or hurts you, he chooses to focus on himself, then of course there is a problem.

6. When he decides something, he takes you into consideration

In a loving relationship, everyone must make their own decisions. However, it  is necessary that each step taken is consensual, that the opinion of the other and their point of view are taken into account.

If, for example, I want to get a promotion at work and that means being away from home several days a week, I should be concerned about what my partner thinks about it.

7. Consider your feelings

Respect for the emotional reality of the other is a pillar that cannot receive blows, cuts or lacerations. So, to know if your partner cares about you, it’s important that you assess how he makes you feel.

Emotional respect gives us security, reinforces self-esteem and strengthens affection.

8. Be interested in simple and important things related to you

Love is attention and interest. Now, this interest is not just focused on whether the partner had a good day or a bad day. He also looks at his everyday life, if he slept well, if he’s enjoying the series they started watching or if there’s a trace of worry on his face.

couple smiling and looking at each other

9. You are his priority

To love is to prioritize what is loved. It is important that we realize this preference on a daily basis. It’s not about getting into that blind and even dangerous obsession where we neglect to focus exclusively on the loved one.

It consists in realizing that the other takes us into consideration, that he puts us ahead of many things, that he chooses us each day and in many circumstances. This, of course, creates a solid bond through which the trust and security flow that allow us to advance in happiness and balance.

Let’s take these dimensions into account and let’s not limit ourselves to just checking if the other cares about us. Let’s make them ours and put them into practice.

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