Overcoming Laziness And Apathy: More Than A Matter Of Will

Overcoming laziness and apathy: more than a matter of will

Overcoming laziness and apathy is not just a matter of free will. It’s very difficult to find the strength of motivation when what often underlies these psychological dimensions is fear, anguish, lack of emotional support, and even some underlying illness. Disorders such as depression or a problem with the thyroid gland are often involved in these types of conditions.

When a person plunges into the well of apathy and laziness, his reality changes completely. The first thing that happens is that she is no longer able to mobilize sufficient resources to emerge from this situation. You may not always have the energy to regain your vitality and set new and motivating goals on your horizon with which to regain your desire, pride or hope.

Often, and from a clinical point of view, it is preferable to understand what is behind the well that the person has sunk into, rather than giving immediate strategies for getting out of it. It is necessary to know what is behind that apathetic attitude, behind that fatigue and that reluctance. It is neither logical nor helpful to provide resources to the patient without first clarifying what the triggers for this state are.

So much so that in recent years we have had more and more studies and works on the subject. We know, for example, that lack of motivation is not always a reflection of vagrancy, of passivity chosen by simple disinterest in one’s environment. Lack of motivation and apathy are related to very specific brain circuits that, at certain times, can show certain pathologies.

These are, without a doubt, factors that we must take into account when choosing the most appropriate therapeutic approach.

Tired person with no willpower

The shadows that dwell behind demotivation and fatigue

To overcome laziness and apathy, nothing more than advice is needed. When these states are not punctual in time but become chronic, the person (and their environment) must be aware that a change is needed. For this, it is a priority to have an accurate diagnosis that will allow us to start making small innovations in our routine and in our personal approach to get out of the aforementioned well.

Something that we definitely have to put aside in these situations are pejorative terms. Many patients who suffer from laziness and apathy are not “lazy” of their own free will. We should avoid categorizing inactivity and lack of interest as personality weakness, because it is neither helpful nor accurate. So let’s see what actually exists behind many of these states.

Factors that determine the appearance of laziness and apathy

  • Lack of sense of self-efficacy. Often, and for different circumstances, the person fails to trust their efficiency to achieve things, to succeed, to feel useful in their daily responsibilities. Something like that is devastating.
  • Lack of emotional support. When our environment is not emotionally available or when what surrounds us is coldness or disinterest, these states of apathy and demotivation can arise.
  • Fear, fear of failure, fear of trying and repeating the same mistakes as before. Fear of leaving our comfort zone, anxiety about changes in habits, restlessness about new and unknown things… All these factors undermine our desires and courage.
upset man in front of window

On the other hand, and not least, we must take into account the organic and/or neurological factors. Conditions such as fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism or even Alzheimer’s disease mediate this permanent feeling of lack of energy, apathy and lack of motivation. Likewise, we must not forget that in depressive disorders, laziness and lack of interest are common.

How to overcome laziness and apathy

To overcome laziness and apathy, we need support. Specialized support and also from people around us. Likewise, it is necessary that we perceive from them an authentic sense of understanding, not censorship. Because the lack of desire, enthusiasm and motivation sinks deeper if what we receive is criticism or contempt…

To better understand how to overcome this state, we need to remember one detail. We often believe that to create an emotional state, to improve motivation, it is enough to “change” the mindset. Now, the famous rule of “thinking well to live better” is not always 100% fulfilled. Not if we’re not okay, not if there’s a brain that’s lacking in serotonin or if there’s a sick body.

It was William James who told us in the first place that thought does not always precede action. When we talk about motivation, “action and feeling” always go hand in hand.

The brain, mind and our body must be in perfect harmony to find that impulse, that internal energy with which to regain spirit. Let’s now reflect on the following dimensions, those that can allow us to overcome laziness and apathy.

woman watching the sun

Keys to Overcome Lack of Motivation and Apathy

  • The first thing we’ll do is rule out medical problems.
  • Hormonal factors or other organic problems aside, we must understand what underlies our mood.
  • Next, let’s establish a transition period. In it we will do only one thing: we will solve problems. Let’s think of ways to deal with this dissatisfaction, this fear, this disappointment… Let’s establish a process of letting go of everything that immobilizes us.
  • Gradual changes. Let’s start by introducing small changes to our routines. For example, we can change our diet or set new schedules. Later, as we take on these small variations, it will be time to initiate bigger changes. The ones that should bring us well-being, the ones that fit our expectations of life.
  • Direct your gaze to specific goals. For the things we can achieve on a daily basis that satisfy us.
  • Challenge apathy. Once we incorporate new routines and achieve daily goals, we need to learn to challenge this crippling state. When we notice that this feeling appears, let’s look for an alternative. For example, we can think of something new and motivating to make it go away.

Overcoming laziness and apathy is not an easy task, but neither is it impossible. However, we must not forget that these shadows are very recurrent and usually visit us frequently. When that happens, we must be prepared, ready to turn them off, to ventilate our emotional rooms with fresh breezes and new projects.

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