5 Sentences By Tirso De Molina About Love

Tirso de Molina was a classical poet who owned timeless verses. Today, we’ve collected some of your most famous quotes about love.
5 sentences by Tirso de Molina about love

Tirso de Molina was the pseudonym of Gabriel Téllez (1579-1648),  one of the Baroque writers representative of the theater in literature whose life was quite peaceful since, from a very young age, he was linked to the convent. In fact, he became a friar. Today, we will discover some of the phrases by Tirso de Molina that allow us to reflect on love and love relationships.

Tirso’s works have always been oriented towards comedy and the writing of profane texts, as indicated in the biography published by the Miguel de Cervantes Virtual Library.

One of the most prominent is O Burlador de Sevilla . However, other works have dramatic touches, and it is in this context that we see some of Tirso de Molina’s phrases about a transcendental theme: love.

Phrases by Tirso de Molina worth knowing

1. Traitors always relapse

This first of Tirso de Molina’s sentences about love is very revealing. What he wants to make clear, bluntly, is that the person who tends to be disloyal will sooner or later betray us, no matter how many promises they may initially be able to monitor their behavior.

When it comes to love relationships, the word given is not always followed by the promised behavior. Promises of change or “it will never happen again” often have no real, substantial background.

In this sense, the actions usually reveal the true intentions of the “traitors”.

couple upset without talking

2. Jealousy imprisons

There are many myths surrounding jealousy. Some people see it as a show of love or proof that they care. However, as this author remembers, jealousy ends up turning against the jealous person, turning him into its prisoner and preventing him from living love in a healthy way.

As explained in the article La dinamica binding celos-infidelidad , the fear of losing the other person and the possibility of infidelity is what gives rise to jealousy that can end up destroying the relationship.

For this reason, it is necessary to analyze where jealousy is born and ask for the help of professionals to help deconstruct it.

3. The imperfect human being in the phrases of Tirso de Molina

The third of Tirso de Molina’s sentences about love makes reference to a fundamental concept: perfection. While it is true that everyone can make mistakes and, in relation to the previous point, may feel jealous or cheating at any given time, it is also true that everyone can fix their mistakes.

Human beings learn much more from their mistakes. Thus, on some occasions, the very knowledge that arises from these mistakes makes them worthwhile. However, for this to occur, it is essential that they are recognized as errors.

4. Not knowing when to leave

This sentence is clear and makes us reflect on a reality that, at times, is very painful. There are many relationships in which, as much as there is a desire for permanence and affection, there is no longer love.

However, people stay together, perhaps out of a kind of self-indulgence or because they wait for the other person to decide that it’s all over.

For Tirso de Molina, this is a way of being rude. Why don’t we step out of a relationship the way we step out of a conversation when we know we’re at it? Waiting for the other person to take the first step is an attitude that could be characterized as cowardly.

end of a relationship

5. Jealousy is born without eyes and without ears

We end with another of Tirso de Molina’s sentences about jealousy. Although we’ve already talked about it, it’s a phenomenon that ends many love relationships.

In this case, the author emphasizes that this emotion is born without eyes and without ears. However, what does he mean by that?

The vast majority of jealousy is born out of a fear and insecurity that come from ourselves. Without any hint of infidelity or demonstration that makes us distrust the other person, unfounded jealousy comes out with great force.

Tirso may not have known this, but this feeling is known as pathological jealousy.

Did you know these phrases from Tirso de Molina? Did you know he had dedicated himself to religious life? If you’ve never read anything written by him, we want to invite you to get started. Not only did he leave us sentences full of wisdom, but his works are examples of a very worthwhile literature.

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