4 Strategies To Fight Procrastination

4 Strategies to Fight Procrastination

Stopping putting off tasks is, in large part, a matter of changing the way you think and approach the situation. These 4 strategies to fight procrastination can be of great help  if you are often afflicted with this problem.

After all, as Kamal Ravikant says:  “The things I carry are my thoughts. They are my only weight. My thoughts determine whether I am free and light or heavy and overloaded.”

Human beings tend to put off carrying out those tasks that they consider tedious, that they do not like, that cause stress, or even that they believe they are not capable of doing. This behavior is called procrastination, and we all experience it at some point.

However,  what it really constitutes is an act of self-sabotage, since in addition to postponing an act that is inevitable, it makes us feel bad about ourselves and prevents us from fully enjoying other things that please us more. For this reason, it is convenient to change the way you think and act.

For that reason, below are some strategies for combating procrastination.

Tiredness in the face of overwork

How to fight procrastination

Replace the thought of obligation with pleasure

We can have and nurture the idea that work is a boring chore and that we could be doing something a lot more fun. In fact, this thought can become so great that it gives rise to great mental torture.

This way of thinking leads us to identify work with an unpleasant experience that we want to escape from.

The result is that we are always putting off tasks because we don’t feel prepared and motivated to deal with them. This generates anxiety, nervousness, frustration and damages our self-esteem.

So why not ignore the negative in the same way we ignore the positive? It’s not easy, especially if our gaze has been distorted for a long time. It’s about finding what we like most about our work, recognizing its importance, learning new ways of doing things, etc.

Structure smartly

Fear of failure, personal doubts, low self-esteem, fear, etc. they are psychological factors that make us procrastinate. On the other hand, if we are reaching goals, confidence in us will increase and we will feel more qualified to face the most difficult tasks.

Therefore, an effective way to combat procrastination is to set a goal that doesn’t require a lot of effort to achieve. For example, instead of losing 10 pounds, it is better to change your eating habits little by little. We can start by increasing our consumption of fruits and decreasing our intake of sweets.

Create a space where you feel good

The place where we work or develop our tasks has a fundamental role. The better you feel at it, the less you’ll procrastinate.

Design and change your environment to do those tasks that you don’t like very much in a place you want to be, that favors calm, inspiration, concentration, etc. Colors, plants, comfortable furniture, photos, cleanliness, good lighting and ventilation… Everything helps.

If you feel comfortable, you will be more willing to do things. And, of course, eliminate distractions that impede concentration. Internet, noise, telephone, social networks, etc. are factors that will take you away from your goal; leave them as a reward for when you’re done.

Organized environment for working

take care of your body

Getting enough sleep, exercising, and eating healthy are three pillars on which much of our health is based.

Taking care of them will make us have more energy; we’ll feel better, less vulnerable to stress, and we’ll have a stronger emotional balance with more footholds.

It is possible to change your thinking with these 4 strategies to fight procrastination. You will feel so much better and so much more fulfilled. Try it!

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