Don’t Beg Anyone’s Attention, Let Alone Love

Don't beg anyone's attention, let alone love

Do not beg the love of those who have no time for you, those who only think about themselves. Never do that. Anyone who makes you feel invisible and insignificant in the face of indifference doesn’t deserve you. Only those who, with attention, make you feel important and present deserve you.

Love must be shown, but it must never, ever be begged. The fact that there is a need to beg for love is the most faithful reflection of an emotional injustice, of an imbalance in the feeling that sustains the relationship.

The one who says less, but does more deserve your love. Those who only look for you when they need you do not deserve you, but those who are by your side when you need them, and not only when personal interest allows. You deserve your love who, without expecting anything, carries this feeling inside of you and makes you feel that you are important.


There is not lack of time, there’s lack of interest

They say that there is no lack of time, but lack of interest because, when you really want it, dawn turns into day, Tuesday turns into Saturday and a moment turns into opportunity.

They also say that those who expect too much are disappointed and suffer. So, we have to check our expectations and put in mind the teaching: “don’t expect anything from anyone, expect everything from yourself”.

When we perceive what others do or say as lies, we obviously feel pain. An emotional pain that at the brain level behaves in the same way as a physical pain.

woman letting the butterflies go

Why should we ignore emotional pain then? We cannot simply let time heal, we have to work on the pain and extract the appropriate teachings from it, just as we would stop drinking hot chocolate if we found out that it is the cause of our stomachache.

This is very important because socially there is the false belief that psychological discomfort is a sign of weakness and that, at the same time, time will heal the wounds without the need to disinfect them, nor to apply dressings or care to prevent them from bleeding. .

girl waiting for friend for coffee

Appreciate yourself, care for yourself

Spend time with people who deserve you and who make you feel good.  Don’t beg anyone’s attention, friendship, or love. Anyone who wants to be with you will demonstrate their intention, sooner or later.

So if you are living in a situation of distressing emotional injustice, remember:

– Do not look for those who do not seek you and do not respond to your calls. Don’t look for those who don’t miss you. Don’t miss those who don’t look for you. Don’t write to someone who doesn’t write to you, don’t submit to the punishment of indifference that becomes clear in the face of ignored messages or unfounded silences.

– Do not wait for those who do not wait for you, value yourself and stop begging and begging for love. Because, as we said, love must be demonstrated and felt, but never implored. Keep your affection for those who love you and understand you without any judgment.

– And, above all, do not forget the value of your smile in front of the mirror, love yourself and value yourself for everything you are, and not for what someone who does not deserve you makes you think of yourself. Love yourself and understand that the fact that someone treats you badly doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t do the impossible to surround yourself with people who do you good and care for you.

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