There Is A Judge Called Time Who Puts Everything In Its Place

There is a judge called time that puts everything in its place

We are all free in our attitudes, but we are not free from the consequences. A bad gesture, word or attitude always has a more or less noticeable impact, and believe it or not, time is a very wise judge. Although he does not issue a sentence immediately, he always gives the reason to whoever actually has it.

The celebrated psychologist and researcher Howard Gardner, for example, recently surprised us with one of his reasonings. “A bad person will never become a good professional”. For the “father of multiple intelligences”, someone guided solely by self-interest never achieves excellence, and this is a reality that also usually reveals itself in the mirror of time.

It is important to consider that aspects as common as a derogatory tone of voice or the excessive use of mockery and ironies in language often have serious consequences for  the affective and personal world of the victims who receive them. Not being able to take responsibility for such attitudes corresponds to a lack of maturity that, sooner or later, will bring consequences.

We invite you to reflect on this.


The time, this judge so wise

Let’s look at an example: let’s imagine a father raising his children with severity and lack of affection. We know that this style of upbringing and education will bring consequences, however, the worst thing is that the father with these attitudes seeks to offer strong people and with a certain style of conduct to the world. However, what you will probably achieve is something very different from what you intended: unhappiness, fear and low self-esteem.

In time, these children transformed into adults will pass their sentence: they will move away or avoid this parent, which this person may not be able to understand. The reason for this is that those who hurt often “do not feel responsible for their actions”, lack good emotional intimacy and prefer to use guilt (my children are ungrateful, my children do not like me ).

A basic and fundamental way of thinking is that every gesture, no matter how small, has consequences. It is making use of what is known as “full responsibility”. Being responsible does not just mean taking the blame for our actions, it is understanding that we have a mandatory capacity to respond to others, that human maturity begins by making us responsible for each of the words, gestures or thoughts that we generate to provide our own good -being and that of others.


Responsibility, a gesture of courage

Understanding that today  ‘s loneliness is the result of a bad attitude in the past is, without a doubt, a good step towards discovering that we are all united by a very thin thread where a negative or irruptive movement results in a knot or a break in this thread. That bond.

We must consider that we are “owners” of a large part of our life circumstances, and that a way to provide our own well-being and that of those around us is through personal responsibility: a great gesture of courage that we invite you to put into practice through these simple principles.


Tips for becoming aware of one’s responsibility

The first step in gaining awareness of “full responsibility” is to leave our own islands of recognition on which we focus much of what happens abroad based on our own needs. That is why, . Using them we can teach them that their actions have consequences.

  • Our whole being generates a kind of language and an impact on others, to the point of creating a positive or negative emotion. It is necessary to be able to intuit and, mainly, to empathize with those around us.
  • By this tip we are not referring to falling into a “self-control” that leads us to be our own executioners before we have said or done anything. It is just a matter of trying to anticipate what impact a certain attitude may have on others and, consequently, on ourselves as well.
  • The person who does not see any limit in their attitudes, their desires and their needs practices this debauchery that, sooner or later, will also bring consequences. The well-known phrase “my freedom ends where yours begins” acquires full meaning here. However, it is also interesting to seek to provide the freedom and growth of others, so as to feed a circle of mutual enrichment.

It’s worth putting this into practice.

sea-woman representing the passing of time

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