Fate Puts Many People In Your Life, But Only The Best Ones Remain

Fate puts many people in your life, but only the best remain

Fate puts many people in your life, but only the best remain. Those people with whom we have the most sincere and strongest bonds establish themselves in our lives to be tied to our hearts.

We say “heart” as a way to symbolize our emotional and social world, from which we drink the sips of energy that bind us to the life, world and society to which we belong.

Whether this statement is true also depends a lot on how we are ourselves and on the people who approach us, and this will determine the opportunity to surround ourselves with people who remain around us.

sensitive people

Fragile relationships and solid relationships

As we’ve mentioned on another occasion, it’s likely that we miss many people, but maybe we don’t keep in touch because even if they love us, they don’t do us any good. Put yourself in the situation and remember friendships or loves you constantly argued with, which led to conflicts that you couldn’t resolve.

At other times it is enough to think that there are relationships that take our freedom by themselves, by inquisitive attitudes on the part of the other person or by the very dynamics that we create together.

Therefore, as if it were a range of colors, it is necessary to recognize that sometimes we are not the ideal colleagues at certain times and that it is normal that some relationships do not thrive. It is part of the intrinsic nature of the human being that the environment and the emotional world are constantly changing.


To a large extent, depending on how we manage this changing world, some people will remain and with them we will build strong relationships. It’s a matter of compatibility, essence and intimate looks that feed us.

However, we can do something to strengthen our relationships and build beautiful pillars to sustain them. Here we present some fundamental premises for creating healthy and solid relationships:

  • Listen to understand, not to respond.
  • Be noble and not manipulate, as well as maintain loyalty.
  • Keeping our own promises.
  • Be honest and open with those around us.
  • Be considerate and thorough.
  • Don’t compete.
  • Apologize when necessary and forgive. Problems don’t come out of nowhere and we’re generally all responsible.
gossip people

It’s not easy to get over the disappointment of breaking up relationships with special people

There are situations where we put our trust in a relationship and what happens disappoints us. It’s not good to play the victim, but dealing with these disappointments is undoubtedly complicated and painful.

Disappointments are often preceded by a misunderstanding. Whether it’s because we didn’t know how to express ourselves or because the other person couldn’t connect with us as we needed to, the fact is that most of the disruptions happen because some of the principles we’ve discussed were broken.

After that we will have to deal with a deep sense of disappointment that, without a doubt, is the sum of our responsibility, that of the other person, and that of both of us as creators of a relationship.

If this is not possible, it remains to simply assume that there are people who come and go. In the end, as someone once said, there are life circumstances that limit us and others that give us wings; people who put more stones in our own backpack and people who take care of lightening it; people who bring darkness and others who do everything to see us shine.

It’s not worth spending time with people who don’t allow us to be happy; it’s not worth fighting for those who constantly ignore us. Let us value the people who accompany us through good times and bad. Let’s be aware: people come and go and that depends largely on our choices.

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