5 Tips To Ward Off Worries

5 Tips to Alleviate Worries

Do you feel like you don’t enjoy the good times in your life because you’re always worried about something? Are you thinking almost permanently about your children’s future, about economic or health problems? Do these thoughts make it difficult to sleep? Most of the time do you feel bitter about different problems?

It is necessary that we learn to free ourselves from these negative thoughts and that we learn to live fully, enjoying all that life has to offer us. If you are uncomfortable with worries, this article is for you.

Why do we care so much?

Many people worry because they believe this is the best way to prevent or solve problems. They feel that if they don’t worry, they are being irresponsible. If you don’t think about problems or possible problems, they will appear and bring serious consequences.

Of course, a certain degree of worry helps us to avoid or resolve some situations, but  exaggerated worry, one that prevents us from relaxing to enjoy a beautiful sunny day or a party, does not bring anything positive to our lives and causes exactly the opposite.

It’s not useful to worry when…

… this is a situation from the past. It is obvious that nothing can be done to change what has already happened. What can be done is to learn from the mistake or try to improve the consequences in the present, but the past cannot be changed.

… is a problem that has no solution, or whose solution is not in our hands. If we can’t do anything about it, the worry is meaningless, right? Of course, it’s not that simple, but we must strive to let go of those negative and unproductive thoughts that make us bitter through the day.

… is a problem that has a solution. If you can do something about the problem that concerns you, then stop worrying and get to work. In other words, do what you have to. If the solution is not in your hands, after doing everything in your power, stop worrying, because you have done everything you could.

Tips for letting go of worry

This is an exercise that can help you look at problems more objectively  and keep worries from invading your thoughts permanently.

1. First, describe the problem that concerns you, in great detail.

2. Then write down everything you believe could happen.

3. Read what you wrote and try to think objectively. Wouldn’t I be exaggerating a bit about the consequences that the problem could have?

4. Try to think of what you would say about this to the person you most admire. What are the differences compared to what you think?

5. Check what might be overdone and you’ll probably find that the problem isn’t as serious as it first appeared.

Finally, some other tips to minimize worries and enjoy life:

–  Focus on positive thoughts. Every time you feel worried about something, focus on changing that thought to a positive one.

–  Enjoy what you feel and be grateful. We all have reasons to feel good; it’s just a decision you must make: focus on what we have and not what we lack. The reasons to be grateful are very personal, but you can enjoy and thank, for example, for having a home, a family, for being able to feel the sun on your face, a hot bath, among many other things.

Rest assured that any problem that may arise can be resolved or overcome. Worry often comes from fear. Fear makes us see each problem bigger than it really is. It is necessary to have confidence in yourself and know that there is no adversity that we are not able to overcome.

–  Get help. If you really feel uncomfortable with the worries and problems that keep you from being happy about it, even after you’ve made the effort to change, perhaps it’s time to seek professional help.

And never forget this:  even though it is sometimes difficult to see this clearly, being well and being happy are decisions that are made. We must be aware of the great power that is within each one of us. When we set out to do something, we just have to have confidence in what we can achieve and do what has to be done to reach our goals.

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