3 Tryptophan-rich Foods

3 foods rich in tryptophan

The chemical state of our brain, determined in large part by the release of neurotransmitters, directly influences our mood. These substances are directly responsible for maintaining the correct functioning of our mind, and may be the secret to improve our sensations, attitudes and even fight diseases such as depression and anxiety. Therefore, we present below a list of foods rich in tryptophan that can help us in this regard.

Tryptophan is one of the most important amino acids. It is in charge of controlling support functions, such as sleep, and in addition, it is the precursor of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and melatonin. So let’s see how we can regulate it in our body.

The human body needs eight essential amino acids to function properly. These are substances that cannot be produced by our body, and therefore have to be obtained through the diet. Of these eight amino acids, tryptophan is the hardest to get.


The problem is that he is also one of the most important. In addition to regulating the functions mentioned above, we also know that tryptophan has very beneficial effects on the craving for unhealthy foods. On the other hand, it is believed to be able to protect us against some types of cancer and heart problems.

Tryptophan-rich foods

Incorporating some tryptophan-rich foods into a healthy diet can significantly improve the quality of life. In this article, we’ll mention the following foods:

  • Eggs.
  • Meat and fish.
  • Milk and derivatives.

Let’s look at each of them.

1. Eggs

Eggs are one of the most criticized foods, without reason, of all that exist. For decades, they have been detonated by advertising because of the belief that they cause high levels of cholesterol. However, recently science has absolved eggs and their consumption not only ceases to be bad, but has a very positive impact on health.

One of the main reasons for this positive effect is that eggs contain several beneficial components for our body. So if we can only choose one of the tryptophan-rich foods from this list, it will be one of the best choices.

A caveat: the highest concentration of tryptophan is in the yolk, so consuming only the egg whites is not helpful in increasing the levels of this neurotransmitter in the body.

2. Meat and fish

Lately there is a lot of controversy regarding the harmful effects of meat on our health, due to a report published by the WHO in 2014 on the relationship between this food and certain types of cancer. However, these results require a much deeper analysis, and they only refer to a few foods of animal origin.

For example, although red meat (such as beef or pork, in large quantities) may be responsible for causing some problems in our health, white meat (such as chicken and turkey) and fish (especially the ” fatty fish”) have predominantly positive effects for most people. Among these effects is an increase in tryptophan in the brain, but there are many others.

Chicken breast and salad

Therefore, regular consumption of white meat and fish will help us maintain the ideal weight, lose fat and build muscle, as well as regulate both mood and the desire to consume processed food. Therefore, including more meats of this type in the diet is one of the best choices we can make.

3. Milk and derivatives

The last of the tryptophan-rich foods we’re going to look at is dairy products. Although some people don’t tolerate them very well, those who can consume them without negative consequences will find that they have many health benefits.

Furthermore, even in popular culture we find a relationship between milk and tryptophan: no wonder it is one of the recommended foods for better sleep. This is related to the effects this amino acid has to fight insomnia.

Despite the importance of consuming these foods, it is necessary to understand that just consuming them does not guarantee a good level of tryptophan. It is essential that they are consumed as part of a balanced diet, as the production of different neurotransmitters depends on many factors. In this case, for example, the body also needs the presence of magnesium and vitamin B6.

However, consuming the foods on this list, even though they are not miraculous, will help us to increase our well-being and quality of life.

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