Thanks For Being My Constant In A World Full Of Variables

Thanks for being my constant in a world full of variables

Thanks for being my constant in a world full of variables. For multiplying my joys and sharing my pains until they almost disappear with your friendship alone. For being one of those people who leave an emptiness difficult to forget.

Thank you for retaining your value, even if others change.  For staying by my side in the universe whenever possible, without the probability that something would go wrong preventing him from continuing to be my constant. Because its value doesn’t decrease, even as time passes.

Perhaps what struck me most was that you were my impulse for another year, and many more will come. You only make me want to say thanks when I remember the dreams and the innocence of the beginning. For seeing me as a fighter and an example when I only saw a huge accumulation of fear.

Thank you for your friendship and for everything that unites us, despite the distance that makes me miss you. Thanks for being my  best friend  when they try to make me disappear ; when you don’t let others use their powers against me.

Thank you for being my inspiration and my air

Thank you for being my inspiration and my air, whatever step I choose to take.  That way, even if I make a mistake, I’m reassured, because I know you’ll never leave my side. I love the fact that you understand that mistakes can be corrected and not get carried away.

hugged woman

Our lives have crossed and, although they walk parallel, if our coordinates are correct, we will again cross our path. Perhaps with a linear transformation, adding what unites us and multiplying what brings us closer, we will be much closer.

Thank you for teaching me that two people are one world and that one person is half of himself, and this is something that makes all math go against reality. Because the reality of friendship is a construction that only its members can understand and explain.

I love having this support that not even the greatness of time can get in the way. Our union is like  an equation  that physics wants and cannot always solve.  Thank you for understanding this attractive force that, in difficulty, united us, and that is now constant through all difficulty.

The constant in our life is the bond of our friendship

The constant in our life is the bond of our friendship. In a changing universe, relying on constant support like yours is priceless, not even obstacles that might make us doubt our bond. A bond that started by mere chance, as if the luck that commands a game of dice always played a 6.

Thank you for reminding me that almost everything arrives and that only those who go a little beyond their strength are able to touch the boundary that marks their limits. For teaching me that everything can change, work, home or city, but that, above these variations, the bond that unites us remains strong. Because  our friendship has no limits, it is constant despite all the variables that may arise.

happy mugs

Most importantly,  thank you for updating a better version of me every day,  for reaching out to me on what I would need to do again and what I needed help with. Because I’m better for everything you give me and for all the advice you give me. I’m better because you listen to me and then release the truth hard enough for me to react, always trying to avoid any harm.

But I’m better mainly because  you taught me that  the selfishness  of walking alone keeps us from sharing. So I understood that the triumphs communicated are not as important as those that were shared from the beginning. Thanks to you I learned that what is ours is more valuable than what is mine.

Remember, the difference between wanting and being able is believing. That doubts about the effort of the path of life are normal. I want you to remember, especially when you believe you’ve lost your strength, that  you can count on me to hold back the dreams that can’t be destroyed. I will be here to do for you everything you have ever done for me.

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