The Power Of Group Cooperation For The Common Good

Every little detail counts and adds. In this sense, an effect of “good deeds contagion” is occurring among the population, as more and more people want to contribute what they can.
The power of group cooperation for the common good

Group cooperation is one of the essential aspects of the situation in which we find ourselves. It drives us and motivates us to achieve a common goal: to overcome COVID-19 and mitigate its consequences. We could define cooperation as the result of a procedure or strategy developed by groups of people or institutions that share the same interest.

In the group cooperation process, collaborative methods that facilitate the achievement of the common goal are generally used. In other words, efforts are aligned to achieve the desired objective and reduce the possible negative effects of a potential threat.

In the current case, the COVID-19 pandemic is an alarming situation that requires the union and solidarity of all citizens to overcome it as quickly as possible.

It’s time to paddle in the same direction, to cooperate with each other. Solidarity and mutual aid must prevail over everything else.

Group cooperation is an antidote to COVID-19

Group cooperation is an antidote to COVID-19

The Group of 20 (G20) of Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors was created in 1999 to bring together the most relevant industrialized and developing economies to discuss key issues in the global economy.

In case of international crises, the G20 plays a crucial role in dealing with their consequences.

Saudi Arabia, which holds the Presidency of the Group of 20 (G20) this year, convened a “virtual” summit of leaders after the appearance of COVID-19.

The objective of the Summit was to define coordinated actions to mitigate the consequences of COVID-19 on health, which includes safeguarding the international economic situation. All leaders agreed to promote a coordinated global response to this crisis, supported by cooperation.

Therefore, the G20 is a platform to establish networks of cooperation between international organizations, as well as a tool to share experiences and information on effective measures and, thus, establish commitments that maintain the availability of the necessary resources to respond to the situation.

Let us keep in mind that international group cooperation is vital if we are to mitigate the spread of the virus.

Dose of solidarity and mutual help

As international organizations and experts in the field indicate, it  is time to move in the same direction, towards a common goal. In this context, it is important that we all do our part and collaborate with the ultimate goal: the common good.

We can hear the echo of collaboration through gestures and donations from various sectors. There are many professionals (psychologists, psychiatrists, teachers…) who, from their homes, are offering help to those in need. In turn, the list of companies and people who make donations, both financial and material, is growing.

In addition, the solidarity and collaboration of each day are more and more remarkable : people who dedicate themselves to making masks, neighbors who shop for the elderly, applause from the balconies to recognize the work of health professionals, students who offer to drink children’s account…

The spirit of good deeds is contagious

The spirit of good deeds is contagious

Let’s keep in mind that every gesture, every little detail, counts and adds. In this sense, an effect of “good deeds contagion” is occurring among the population, as more and more people want to contribute what they can. We are coming together and increasing the necessary and essential group cooperation “together we can face this”.

If there is one thing we can see clearly in these difficult times for everyone, it is the goodness and goodwill of human beings.

We are extraordinary beings and we demonstrate this day after day, through countless acts of solidarity and understanding. This is the most valuable lesson that the complex situation we are facing is teaching us.

Group cooperation is the most powerful ingredient to successfully overcome the greatest difficulties, to react as a united group and not just as individuals.

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