Acceptance: Process Of Your Personal Development

Acceptance: process of your personal development

Throughout life we ​​will face stages that will not always be as we wish, the only way out so that our emotional well-being is not too altered is to establish acceptance in our life. Accepting what we cannot change is vitally important for us to move forward and thus transform our lives. Who ever wished that reality were other than the one experienced? Or have you never been wrong? Or who never bothered the other’s way of life? In any situation that causes discomfort, consider whether it is possible to do something to resolve it. If plausible, create an action plan to improve your life, but in case you realize that there is nothing that can be done, if you want to move forward you have to accept reality, or you will suffer more than necessary. Fighting against an insurmountable reality will be a waste of useless and harmful energy. Only after acceptance will it be possible to move forward without remaining watertight.

Accepting does not mean resigning


The following are the differences between acceptance and resignation:

Acceptance is oriented towards tolerating a situation, understanding that this is life and not everything is good, but with an inclination to act. It is possible to live with the situation, but without this generating an exaggerated discomfort, however, even living under circumstances that do not please, it is possible to centralize the interest and focus of attention to other areas, trying to open new doors. Accepting is abandoning the struggle against something that has no solution, and looking for other paths that allow us to live the way we want. Thoughts such as: “This is what there is and nothing I can do, I avoid it and go on with my life thinking about reaching my goals”.

Resignation occurs when we do not tolerate a situation. For example, when things don’t go our way, we close ourselves off, and we tend to inertia and standstill. Negative emotions arise and we surrender, we believe we cannot improve our lives. Thoughts like: “I can’t do anything to change my life, I’m a disgrace and I’ll always be unhappy” are generated. A tendency towards lamentation and victimization manifests itself, hope for better days in the future is lost. The individual closes himself with new possibilities and leaves everything aside, resigns himself to the life they have, even if it is not what they want, and will do nothing to change this situation, which will always cause greater frustration.

Your future is in your hands

Accept reality and do something so that, in the future, you can emerge victorious from this situation that makes you unhappy.  Not everything can be as we hope, not everyone around us can be like us, and therefore, acceptance will be your best ally in terms of living life in a less stressful way. Open your mind to new possibilities, and even if your surroundings and your life are not what you wanted them to be, they can be like that in the future, if you sow them in the present. We all have the power to create and change our lives. Remember that every little step, every little action, will become something big in the future.

Image courtesy of David Sutoyo

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