Self-hypnosis For Everyday Life: Learn To Program Your Subconscious

Self-Hypnosis for Everyday Life: Learn to Program Your Subconscious

Self-hypnosis presents us with a very useful psychological tool to promote changes in behavior. It can help us to control the flow of negative thoughts, generate a better mood, and even strive to reach certain goals. We are facing a strategy that is worth knowing and using on a daily basis.

When we talk about hypnosis, it is common that at the same moment a mixture of feelings arises between fascination and skepticism. We have at our disposal a multitude of books and works that continue to deepen their usefulness,  and also the limitations of this therapeutic technique. So to the question of whether hypnosis really works, the answer is that, as with any type of therapy, there are people in whom it doesn’t change and patients who undoubtedly experience great benefit.

If we are interested in the workings of the human mind and its mysteries, hypnosis will fascinate us. Currently, it is especially effective in the treatment of addictions, being, without a doubt, one of the most common tools to stop smoking. There are many people who use self-hypnosis with a very clear purpose: to program the subconscious to generate change and guide themselves towards success, towards a goal.

Let’s see more data below.

The spells of our brain

What is self-hypnosis?

It happens to all of us often. When we are on the subway, train or bus, we stare at a point in the window and our mind slips away. We’re not going anywhere, but we’re stuck in the subterfuges of our minds for a long time. Suddenly, when we arrived at our descent point, we woke up in a daze. It’s like we’ve just come out of a trance.

Hypnosis has many similarities to this state. It is disconnecting from reality to go down to the basement of our mind. And what we do during these moments can undoubtedly have a huge impact on our lives. We can make decisions, set priorities, focus on desires and even improve our mood.

Many of the things we do consciously are driven by our unconscious. Our tastes, the way we react to certain circumstances, our inclinations, etc., are the product of this unconscious substrate where our past experiences, personality, instincts and automatisms are contained, orchestrating a large part of what we do throughout our days.

Therefore,  self-hypnosis aims to take greater control of our unconscious universe and program it. We seek to reorient this unconscious scenario so that it allows us to generate changes in behavior. Let’s see how we can do this.

door towards infinity

Techniques for Practicing Self-Hypnosis

For some people, the best option when practicing a proper hypnosis is, without a doubt, to train with a good professional. If you don’t have the time, access, or financial resources to do this, these strategies can be helpful. The key is to be persistent, be strong-willed, and practice these exercises daily.


To practice self-hypnosis we can use our reference stimulus: the light of a lamp, a slide, a glass, or even a scenario created by our imagination. It should be a mental retreat or a visual point from which to transcend and relax. We will move from physical sensations to mental ones, towards relaxation, calm and balance.

Once we reach this deep relaxation, we will repeat a series of positive statements. We will start an internal dialogue with which to verbalize what we want to achieve. For example:  “I will overcome my fear of public speaking”, “I will be less stressed”, “I will find a good partner”…etc.


Self-hypnosis can also be practiced by looking at a point above our eyes. It is enough to place the attention at this point to generate, little by little, a lack of sharpness. Thus, we will fade into a relaxed trance in which we will focus on our breathing.

Once there, we’ll start again with the positive purpose statement:  I’m going to do it, I want it, I’m going to do it, I’m focused on…


Another simple strategy to promote self-hypnosis is to control our breathing. For this we will do the following:

  • We’ll look for a quiet place. The setting will be what we will always use to promote self-hypnosis. Our minds must associate this sofa, this corner of the balcony, the bedroom, etc. to a haven where our minds can relax to delve into the subconscious.
  • Once we have chosen the place, we will begin to control our breathing:  inhale, hold, exhale, empty.
  • The ideal is to repeat this cycle between 5 and 6 times. Then we will be suspended in this relaxing emptiness, in this nothingness full of possibilities to talk to our subconscious and program it. Once again, we will indicate our purposes, our desires (always positively).
man meditating in the mountains

The purpose of self-hypnosis as a therapeutic tool is to replace negative statements with more positive ones. More than a relaxation exercise, it is training. As such, we should repeat these exercises between four and five times a day for 5 minutes. We need to be constant and direct. Nobody changes the style of their unconscious thoughts overnight; we need to be persevering and trust the power of our mind.

In conclusion, it is possible that these techniques remind us of common relaxation strategies in meditation. Now, one of the purposes of self-hypnosis, in addition to promoting rest or better attention in the here and now, is to change behaviors, thoughts and moods.

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