5 Extraordinary Lines By Arthur Miller

Arthur Miller’s sentences propose a sharp criticism of the consumerist lifestyle and focused on the success that prevailed in the United States of his time. However, he went further and also reflected on the meaning of life and creation.
5 extraordinary phrases by Arthur Miller

Arthur Miller’s phrases that made history come from his works, interviews and random notes that he left scattered throughout the places he passed. This fabulous American playwright wrote on universal themes such as the meaning of life, love and power.

Arthur Miller was, above all, a great critic of their society. His most famous work, “The Death of a Traveling Salesman”, is a scathing denunciation of the falsehood of the “American dream”. In “The Witches of Salem” he shows the extent to which society is capable of committing injustices based on prejudice and supported by majorities.

Arthur Miller was also a politically persecuted man. His ideas put him in the crosshairs of the most conservative sectors. More than proposing a new political system, what he did was to defend the humanization of the existing system. His thought and ideological position were reflected in many of his sentences. These are some of them.

1. One of Arthur Miller’s quotes about character

This is one of Arthur Miller’s most interesting quotes. When he speaks of character, he is referring to the particular way a particular person thinks and feels. It indicates that what determines it are the problems.

There are problems that, as much as we don’t want to assume, are unavoidable. Others, on the other hand, can be avoided, but leave a certain nonconformity when ignored. So the bottom line is that it’s the problems that define who we are.

thoughtful woman

2. Life is like a nut

This statement refers to the search for the essence and true content of life. This, like many other Arthur Miller phrases, uses a strong metaphor. Basically, it shows that life’s blows are revealing.

When he speaks of “feather pillows,” he is referring to favorable circumstances. They may be more comfortable, but they don’t serve the purpose of revealing the essence of things. The greatest learning takes place in the midst of difficult situations. The blows of life have the virtue of showing us what material existence is made of.

3. The miracles

Belief in miracles brings a certain air of hope to life. Chance events that change everything are something many people fantasize about ; we want something unexpected to happen and free us from misery, misery or any other undesirable situation.

However, most of those who believe in these supernatural possibilities suffer a strong attack of disenchantment when they discover that they don’t happen (as a rule). Ultimately, believing in miracles is a path that easily leads to irreparable unhappiness, especially when faith puts everything to luck and not action.

4. Tragedy and fanaticism

The Greeks defined tragedy as a vital situation from which there is no possible way out. Reality is presented in such a way that any option leads to misfortune. All of us sometimes come across situations like this.

This is one of Arthur Miller’s phrases that alludes to tragedy, which was the theme of many of his plays. It shows us how the human being experiences a kind of extreme concentration when approaching a tragic situation. It’s like when we know someone we love is going to die and we cling to deny it.

man reflecting

5. Find the correct question

This is one of Arthur Miller’s most interesting phrases. In it, he highlights the fundamental importance of the question, rather than the answer. It refers to the formulation of the problem, that is, the formulation of the question to be worked on, both in life and in creative activity.

His approach is very lucid and coincides with what mathematicians propose. Knowing how to pose the problem or issue to be resolved is an action that brings us decisively closer to its resolution. Many times we cannot find the answer simply because we didn’t formulate the question correctly.

In Arthur Miller’s works and phrases, we discover a writer who has thought deeply about the human condition. He dedicated himself to dramaturgy because he saw in it a space in which human beings see themselves reflected as in a mirror. His creations are very revealing for anyone who wants to go beyond the apparent.

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