What Characteristics Of Men Attract Women?

What characteristics of men attract women?

Some men don’t exactly have Apollo’s good looks, but they’re still really attractive to women. They draw attention wherever they go and always end up with the prettiest, or the most popular. It’s not that they have more money or more power, but they emanate an attraction that is difficult to describe. And resist.

Seduction experts point out that these men have three traits that double even the toughest. Here we will tell you the secret of the most beautiful ugly.

1. Style and size

The way a man seizes space and moves fluidly in it conveys an unconscious message about himself. Men who have leisurely, measured and firm gestures say with their attitude that they have everything under control. It’s a style that conveys enough confidence to explore new levels in your relationship with him.

The same is true with postage. Men who feel comfortable with themselves enjoy their stature, regardless of whether they are very short or tall. Tall people adopt a kind of condescension in their gestures, which makes them extremely kind. Basses, on the other hand, keep the spine erect, which gives it additional elegance. They usually lift their chins when they speak, adopting a posture of some authority.

In both cases,  the attraction of these men is the security they project. They carry with them a special aura that invites them to bond with them.

2. The touch

The word tact means both the sense of perception through the skin and prudence and sensitivity in words and attitudes. The beautiful ugly have this very developed sense.

Several studies have shown that  physical contact, however small, unconsciously creates very strong bonds between people. For good and for bad. A stranger who pushes you on the bus is unlikely to become your friend. Anyone who asks you to excuse yourself or gently leans over to make way for you will gain several positive points.

Experts indicate that  there is a point of the “politically correct” female body. That is, a point that tactful men will touch without fear. This is the area around the elbow. If, during a conversation, the man touches this zone for two or three seconds, he will have established a contact that will make the woman feel good.

Something different happens if the man decides to touch his interlocutor on the back. This seems like a masculine gesture, more suited to being used between two men. It’s also a gesture with a touch of condescension. Touching the waist is very daring, as well as taking the hand. And, on the shoulder, don’t even talk: it’s like football friends.

3. Defensive gestures

Irresistible self-accepting men keep fear in check and are open to bonding with others. This is reflected in your gestures. You’ll never see them adopt defensive attitudes like crossing their arms during a conversation, or holding their hands in their pockets when they’re out there. Both gestures reflect a lack of self-confidence and a need to hide.

On the contrary, these seducers tend to display very different gestures. They usually look directly into the eyes. Do not hide the look. Please don’t confuse them with unblinking, icy, incisive looks. These frighten women and do not reflect security, but rather grandiosity.

The other characteristic gesture is a dosed smile. If they laugh a lot they look silly. If they laugh a little, they look like monks. The beautiful ugly smiles genuinely when something seems funny to them or when they want to be nice. They do it slowly. They spend a few seconds on the gesture and, for women, it seems they are mysterious and charming.

Image courtesy of Eljoja

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