5 Phrases From Books You Won’t Forget

5 phrases from books you won't forget

There are books that we read that don’t leave any mark on our memory, but there are books that, no matter how much time passes, are remembered fondly. We may never read that special book again, but its phrases are unforgettable, they are part of us and they are little links in a chain in our memory to remind us of who we are.

It’s impossible to forget a special book; it is part of our lives, our way of thinking and acting, and although we have read it several times, we open it every now and then to read a few phrases that move us.

Book phrases: written memory

Some sentences speak of loneliness, death, love, passion, childhood and each book is a world unto itself; with them we grow and mature. Each book has its moment and it is he who will choose you.

There are phrases from books that it is not necessary to reread because they are engraved in our heart and soul. Reading and learning requires courage, enthusiasm and an open mind. Are you prepared?

The loneliness of different people

In 2008 Paolo Giordano published a beautiful book entitled “A Solitude of Prime Numbers”. Based on this metaphor, he tells us about the relationship between two friends, Mattia and Alice. They have a lot in common, but they seem destined to never meet at the right time.


This feeling can be present in our life in many aspects: when we believe that we have found the right person to have a relationship with, but that person is not prepared, when we find the work of our dreams, but it is given to someone else, and many others mismatches.

Sometimes we need to let go of a person or situation for something new and surprising to happen in our lives. Letting go is tricky, but that doesn’t mean losing. On the contrary, the future will show us what it means to win.

not search and find

In 1963, “Rayuela” was published, a book written by Júlio Cortázar that was a landmark in literature and caused a small earthquake in the cultural landscape of the time. Rayuela is a transgression in terms of the classic structure of the novel and broke all the conventions that existed in writing. 

It’s a book full of unforgettable phrases for an entire generation of readers. The phrase we chose reminds us that sometimes when we are not looking we can find very interesting situations. We often insist on going after things without realizing that if we stop, those same things will come to us.

love and dislike

The book “O Nome da Rosa” is perhaps one of the most beautiful and best known in literature and cinema. It is a book that tells a story of mysterious murders and a love story between the Franciscan monk Adso and a mysterious young woman.

mermaid sea

This phrase is one of the best known and speaks of love as a universal feeling. We can fall in love unexpectedly, love dominates us and in its name we do unimaginable things. But love also has its dark side : lack of love, that abandonment we feel when the person we love doesn’t respond.

The memory

“One Hundred Years of Solitude” is a famous and unforgettable book by the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, Gabriel Garcia Márquez. It starts with the beautiful sentence above that tells us the beginning and the end of the story and provokes a deep reflection.

At certain times in life, it is important to stop to think and reflect on what we think, on what we forget, relive all the learning that experiences have brought us over the years and move on without making the same mistakes.

The childhood

“The Little Prince” is definitely a book that contains deep thoughts in very simple sentences. It is a hymn to childhood, love, creativity and passion for the little things. A current book to this day despite having been written many years ago.


Among all the famous phrases, the quotes from the Little Prince have their own light. The phrase we chose is one of the phrases from books that lead us to reflect on the creativity we have when we are children and that we lose throughout life. Rescuing our inner child is recreating, feeling, losing fear and regaining the desire to fly.  Do you have the courage?

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