Advice For Raising A Child In Happiness

Advice for Raising a Child in Happiness

Raising a child in happiness is the most important task you will ever face as a parent. You will want to give him a good education and values, but the most basic is to paint a smile on his face every day of his life.

Because  if you don’t think about your happiness when raising a child  , nothing else will be worth it. The best way to make children want to learn and internalize values ​​is through a full existence, in which they feel protected and enjoy their days with the joy of living.

Below, I would like to give you a series of tips that can be very helpful in raising a child in happiness. A complex but truly inspiring task that will fill your soul and heart with satisfaction and pride.

Never take your frustrations out on him

If you want to raise a child in happiness, make sure that you never, in any way, take out your frustrations on him, for your heart will not be able to understand why you demand so much from him.

Maybe your childhood dream was to be the best football player or first in class, but have you ever asked your  child  if that’s what he wants?  They look a lot like you in that there is no way to forget the fact that they carry your genes, but they are different people with their own wants and needs.

get good communication

When raising a child in happiness, it is absolutely necessary that you have good  communication  with him. For this, there are a number of aspects that you must take into account.

For example, it is logical that frustration sometimes arises, in both children and parents, as the child has not fully developed his communication skills and abilities. However, you must not fall into despair.

father raising his son in happiness

When communicating with your child, or observing strange or flashy behavior, think of yourself. But think about yourself when you were a child.  Do a job of introspecting and stepping back into the past. What did you feel? What motivated you? What made you happy? You will probably find a lot more of yourself in it, and it will help you feel better.

use empathy

Taking advantage of the previous point, when educating a child in happiness,  empathy is a very valuable toolas it will allow you to better understand your little one.

The introspective exercise of seeking out your own wants and needs when you were young helps enormously in understanding and empathizing with children.

What games did you like? What were your favorite foods? How did you like your parents to treat you? How did you react to news? Answering all of these questions and a few more will help you enter the world of children and be able to create happy relationships with them.

Give them all your affection

When raising a child in happiness, it is important that you give him all your affection  . In this regard, you should not give yourself in parts, but in whole!

However,  we must never confuse “giving affection” with “giving everything the child wants”.  Children need routine and limits. They need to know what is right and what is wrong, so they can internalize values ​​and feel secure, forming their personality.

However,  a child who has everything he wants, whether material or sentimental things, runs a real risk of being, in the future, a  tyrant  unable to understand himself, frustrated and with serious problems of autonomy and relationships with people around you.

spend time with them

united family

Raising a child in happiness takes a lot of time and patience. In the beginning, the closest family is your whole world, the place you feel safest, because the family will always be there.

As the child progresses, you will have to play with him, enjoy his learnings, provide protection and care, and give yourself completely to him. Your time and your patience are of great value to them, as you are a mirror in which they see themselves, and who they really want to be with.

However, this point should not be seen as an obligation. Raising a child in happiness will also fulfill you, it will make you fuller, and the fact of always wanting to be by your side will happen naturally. Never forget that.

Image credits: Pascal Campion.

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