Anyone Who Does Not Understand His Fear Does Not Know His Opponent

Who doesn't understand your fear doesn't know your opponent

Fears, often unfounded, of what might go wrong or cause any harm in the future are the main causes of our dissatisfaction with life. We all hide some fear that leads us to behave in an avoidant way in some crucial situations in our lives. So there is no greater adversary than ourselves.

Fears arise from past experiences. In the process of socialization, from childhood to maturity, we acquire the fears of the closest and most influential people, albeit unconsciously. If these people are references for us, their fears show us the dangers and unpleasant situations we must avoid.

If we drag fears for a long time, let them grow and occupy a large space in our daily life, we will be allowing them to become a recurring filter, among many others that we use to process reality. To prevent this from happening, it is good to know where these fears are coming from and take action. To face fear: action and commitment.

shrunken-fearful woman

When the motivation is fear itself

Fear is a primitive emotion that has resulted in the survival of the human race. Like any emotion, when balanced, it has its functional value, but maladjusted is one of the most harmful emotions. If fear takes over our life, it will be controlled by avoidance, anxiety, and irrational behavior that can lead to major depressive disorders.

When we act out of fear, we don’t enjoy it, we just worry about putting an end to the discomfort it produces and preventing its growth. There are many types of fears. An individual may be afraid of specific things like ghosts, dogs, water, pigeons, etc. But there are other, more pervasive fears, such as the fear of talking to strangers, starting something new, speaking in public, traveling by plane.

The number of fears can be endless and have different meanings and manifestations for each individual, although the strategies used in doctors’ offices to overcome them are similar to or affect the common part of all fears. To face our fears it is necessary to relax, calm down and observe objectively, comparing with the facts that have already occurred, so that our reaction is adequate and positive. If you can’t kill the monsters, you can tame them.


Identify your fear and you will know your opponent

The first step in overcoming our fears is to understand their origin. Meditation and self-assessment show us the way to understand and get to know our true opponent.

Where do our fears come from? Fear can come from something we’ve been told, something we’ve observed, or from past experiences. Once we know the cause, we can start working to overcome it . To identify it, you need to examine the beliefs that support it.

Beliefs that lead to fear are repetitive thoughts that are activated without a real threat. In these situations, there is a distortion in the fear system. There is a distortion in our emotion caused by our beliefs.


Our fears are the enemies that paralyze us, those that are only in our minds and that prevent us from acting in our daily lives. They only exist in our minds, we need to identify and confront them. That way, we will be able to realize that most of these fears are excessive and are just hiding our insecurities.

When we are in a moment that is not to our liking and we want to run away, the best we can do is act. To achieve this, take a trip inside, without losing sight of external references. First, consider whether your fears are real or imagined. If they’re real, it’s a good idea to look at the situation we’re in, try alternative behaviors, and make a decision. If they are imaginary, you can use what we have said throughout the article!

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