Life Passes As We Prepare To Live

There is always a promotion to receive, a skill to improve, and an obligation to fulfill. But what would you really like to do with your time?
Life passes as we prepare to live

We often say that life doesn’t come with an instruction manual. However, most of us end up following a step-by-step guide to our lives. Without realizing it, we spend our precious time in this world trying to reach our goals, one after another. And meanwhile, life passes before our eyes.

Unfortunately, in most cases, we follow a plan that we haven’t even worked out. We simply internalize what others consider the path to success and happiness.  We keep forgetting that, as Seligman claims, each of us is the architect of our own happiness.

we prepare to live

walk in nature

We all want to be successful, have good opportunities, financial and emotional stability and, in general, a prosperous life. We know that this is not always easy to achieve and that is why we prepare a lot as life goes on.

Parents, aiming for their children to have all the necessary skills and tools for the future, begin to prepare them from early childhood. Thus, they try to choose the best schools and make a financial effort to enroll their children in the most varied extracurricular activities. English, German, basketball, chess, swimming, piano… everything seems important, everything seems necessary to score points in life’s curriculum.

As we grow, we seek to obtain the best qualifications, enter the most prestigious universities and take the most demanded masters and postgraduate degrees in the market. We renounce our friendships, sleep and any kind of leisure to study something that will guarantee us a good salary in the future.

We also don’t hesitate to work overtime at a job we don’t like or to deprive ourselves of that trip or the piece of clothing we’d like to buy to save money, to protect us from what might happen in the future. Whenever we think about enjoying the present, there seems to be a future that demands our sacrifice – there’s always something to do in our inbox. So, as long as we focus on tomorrow, life passes.

life passes

As we prepare to live, life passes. As the child goes from one activity to another, he loses his time to play, explore, discover, imagine. However, several authors warn us that the future will require more creative and curious human beings.

As you studied tirelessly, opportunities to dance, laugh, meet new people and expand your horizons passed. Your children grow up while you invest all your time in that work that makes you feel miserable. The opportunity to devote yourself to your hobbies, enjoy your family, enjoy the company of your friends, travel and see the world… all pass before your eyes.

When will you reach your goal? At what point will you consider yourself sufficiently prepared to start living? Perhaps at this point the trip is no longer available, the garment has gone out of style and your children have already grown up.

How old are you now? Whatever the answer, you will never be younger than you are now, you will never have more energy than you are now. Life already exists, it is happening now as you read this text. Are you satisfied with the use you made of your time today?

use time in the best way

find the balance

Clearly, we cannot ignore our responsibilities and just have fun. We need to graduate, have a job and think about the future. On many occasions, we cannot choose. However, there is a healthy compromise.

For society, only what generates productivity is needed. But as human beings it is essential that we have good mental and emotional health. We need to rest, talk, love, be creative, laugh and fulfill ourselves. These activities may not generate money, but they are essential. When this fantastic adventure of living comes to an end, only your experiences will remain.

If you’re going to follow a plan, make sure it’s yours, made for you. Graduate for pleasure, for curiosity, to learn more about what fascinates you. Try to find a job that personally enriches you in some way. Take time out of your daily life to paint, sing, read, play with your children or take a walk on the beach. Life passes before our eyes every day, enjoy it!

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