What To Do When We Are Stressed, Sad And Disappointed?

What to do when we are stressed, sad and disappointed?

I could write on many topics today, but I will take the liberty of writing about how to de-stress or feel better after a day when people or situations have left us feeling sad, disappointed, or stressed.

Only the one who feels the pain knows, that’s why, in this life, relationships are very difficult to be understood and, consequently, maintained. People can and do hurt others very easily, often because they know little about the destructive power of their words and attitudes.

when we feel disappointed

Every day we can be bombarded by situations caused by the people we live with. I know we can prevent ourselves, avoiding at all costs to let ourselves be carried away by the other’s advances, but there are days when we are not made of iron, and the whole thing comes at us like an avalanche. It often hits us, others knock us down without the possibility of protection.

After the blind feeling of anger, hurt and subsequent sadness, we have to think of something that can unite the pieces that were left over from this clash. That’s why I think it’s valid to divide actions that can be very effective on days like this.

Avoid alcohol, cigarettes or any other type of narcotic. Once hurt we have to feel everything, there are healthier ways to vent the anger, hurt and other negative feelings we feel after a fight or emotional burnout.

when we are disappointed

Look for trustworthy people; it can be someone in your family, your husband or wife, friends, but being around people who love you is a big relief. When we suffer disappointment we need to feel that someone in this world deserves our trust again, so we can renew hope.

Finding that someone willing to listen to you, tell it all at once, do a catharsis, take the weight off everything you’ve heard or read. Often people who have hurt us are so full of negativity that they deposit hostile and heavy feelings on us, and through verbalization the tension is eased.

Ask for lap. That’s right, it’s not just the little kids who need a collar every now and then, we also need comfort. At that point, we can release our pent-up tears and release the whole lump in our throat of unspoken words and overwhelmed feelings that have left us disappointed.

Listen to songs that really make sense in your life, melodies that bring you to happy moments soothe your heart and bring comfort to your soul. It works for me to listen to Legião Urbana, Djavan, Capital Inicial, Frejat, Elis Regina, Nando Reis, Jorge Vercillo, and so on…

Go home, take a nice shower, wash your hair, feel the water all over your body, try to take a deep breath, get dressed in your pajamas, there’s nothing better than feeling comfortable to calm down in a tired and frustrated body for a difficult day .

comfort when we're disappointed

I love adult coloring books, they really calm down. Use lots of colors, puff hard, leave the tension there, in each stroke. Reading can also calm down, look for a lighter book, with love stories or one that is inspiring.

Watch a good comedy : laughing is still the best medicine to fill the void that all the disappointment leaves us. Have a delicious pot of Tablito ice cream or order an açaí at home, there are people who prefer chocolates, brigadeiros, or even condensed milk! Food is affection, so allow yourself, at least for this moment!

Do some exercise you like, stretching, pilates, yoga, jogging, walking, meditation, but do one. Exercise relieves the muscle tension that all the negative feelings have brought us.

To sleep. Yes, simple as that, nothing like a good night’s sleep to put everything in the right place. Sleep is what puts us back together when we’re disappointed. We can do all of the above, but if we don’t sleep we will be under a high level of stress the next day, and we will definitely undermine the possibilities of our rebuilding.

The other day a colleague wrote to me “when you lose control, it’s because the other person has taken control”. So, when we allow someone to drive us out of ourselves, we totally lose control of our lives, we become blind, we say many things that we will regret later, we have insane attitudes driven by anger. So we need to quickly get back on track, regain control, and arm ourselves with good feelings that should never have given way to the bad ones.

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