How To Raise Good Children, According To Harvard University

We all want our kids to be the smartest and brightest, but maybe the main thing is to raise them to be good people.
How to Raise Good Children, According to Harvard University

How to raise good children? How to give the world people who are able to contribute to the general well-being, who are altruistic, respectful and skilled in emotional matters? Parenting is a sophisticated craft in which it is necessary to mobilize intentions, efforts and wills. Likewise, we cannot forget something essential: we must be the best reference for our children.

Few skills can be more powerful than the ability to do good. Being a person skilled at making kindness a lifestyle is highly positive for itself because it changes us, makes us better at clarifying the true priorities in every moment and circumstance.

Seeking the good of our fellows, we also find ours, as Plato said. Therefore, let us try to educate our children in this human strength. In an increasingly complex and chaotic world, the nobility of heart is a beacon that must guide new generations at all times.

father with son on shoulders

How to Raise Good Children According to Harvard University

If there is one thing any parent wants, it is to raise happy, healthy, good, and intelligent children. However, how to do this?

We find books of all types in the publishing market. They teach everything from how to maximize a child’s brain to educate them in emotional intelligence. The whole theory is interesting and as such it is worth putting into practice.

However, there is something evident. In addition to what the great gurus tell us, parenting and education are full of challenges. Sometimes we demand too much from children and too little from ourselves. We are your model, your refuge and your reference in all situations.

So when it comes to knowing how to raise “good” kids, it ‘s interesting to know what authorities like Harvard University say. Of course, let us not lose sight of our instincts, common sense and that conscious education that understands the needs of the little ones at every moment.

1. Time is not money, time is life

The key to understanding how to raise “good” children is being present parents. This presence requires two things. The first is to be receptive and close to our children.

It’s no use sitting in the park looking at your cell phone while they play. It’s no use turning on the playstation or giving them a tablet while we do our thing.

Presence in parenting requires intention, constant interaction, and positive encouragement.  It’s talking to them, playing, following, guiding, surprising, promoting new discoveries…

We know that time is money and that we cannot always share with them the time we would like from work. However, we can make magical the hours we have at your side.

2. Enriching dialogues

Studies such as those carried out at Harvard University in collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) indicate something relevant. Early exposure to language is a very significant stimulus in a child’s cognitive and emotional development. This enhances your cognitive abilities as well as managing your emotions.

If we want to know how to educate “good” children, let us be that daily communicative reference. We will have fun, stimulating, interesting conversations that are always loaded with noble values. Let’s promote empathy, active listening, resistance to frustration…

3. Gratitude for raising good children

Educating in gratitude doesn’t just mean teaching them to say “thank you” at all times. It basically implies educating them in generosity, kindness, knowing how to value the simple things of everyday life, having altruism and respect for others.

It is essential that children learn to be grateful. We must be their model with regard to gratitude, and for that reason, nothing better than starting with them. Let’s thank our children for everything they do, for who they are, for how they grew up and discovered the world…

4. The ability to solve problems

Another key that Harvard University suggests for raising good children lies in this competency: problem solving. Nothing is as constructive and enriching as training our children in basic skills to solve the most basic everyday challenges.

This will give them autonomy and responsibility. However, it is also interesting that we guide them so that they can help others with their problems.

girl hugging a kitten

5. The world beyond technologies

Our children have been true digital natives almost since they came into the world. Therefore, they begin to understand their entire reality through the screens: it is their form of leisure, social interaction, discovery and even that mirror in which they reflect. It’s true that technologies have their benefits, but they also have their risks.

In order to know how to raise good children, it is important to keep in mind something very specific. Our kids must understand that the world exists beyond a tablet or cell phone. In fact, there is a whole universe of possibilities to explore beyond the digital stage. Therefore, it is necessary to promote a mental and emotional openness in them, giving them new motivators.

Practicing a sport, encouraging them to pursue a hobby, a new interest that goes beyond the screen, will be a way to build in them a broader, richer, sensitive and open mind to the world around them.

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