The Recipe: A Story About The Power Of Experience

This story about the power of experience tells about a mother and her only 16-year-old child. Suddenly, and due to various circumstances, the young man falls ill and does not want to get better. The mother doesn’t know what to do until she consults a wise man.
The recipe: a story about the power of experience

This story about the power of experience begins in a faraway country where a mother lived with her only child. The woman was a widow and her reason for being and her greatest joy was that 16-year-old son, who gave her the strength to move on.

The mother had a modest income. She made a living from mending clothes, a job she performed perfectly. She had many clients and although she was sometimes forced to work ‘from sunrise to sunset’, she was satisfied that she could give her son everything he needed.

At one point, more customers showed up than usual. The story goes that the woman had to get up with the first rays of the sun and go to bed at dawn. However, she was happy. More clients and more work also meant additional income.

the power of experience

an unexpected situation

When her work was done, the woman had a lot more money than she had ever seen before. She managed to buy some new furniture to replace the more worn ones and also bought new clothes for both of them.

Plus, she had money left over to make a purchase she normally couldn’t afford. It tells the story of the power of the experience that the woman acquired various delicacies that neither she nor her son had ever tasted.

Exotic fruits, hams brought from distant lands, pheasants, quail and even a good portion of deer. The boy was happy as he loved trying new foods.

After a week of trying these delicious delicacies, the young man began to feel bad. His stomach hurt a lot and he felt nauseous. His mother asked him to go on a diet, but he couldn’t resist. The days went by and he didn’t get better.

A necessary consultation

As she didn’t know how to resolve the situation, the mother was very worried. She didn’t know if her son was intoxicated or if too much food had caused him severe indigestion. For this reason, he decided to take him to the local doctor, so that he could give his opinion.

The doctor examined the boy carefully. At the same time, the mother told him about the excesses of food that had occurred in the last few weeks. She also detailed one by one what foods he had eaten and how much.

According to the story about the power of experience, the doctor said the case was very simple. It was simply a malaise from overeating. The solution was also very easy: the boy would have to fast for a week. He could only drink water and eat some fruit.

The doctor assured him that if he followed his instructions, he would get better. However, the boy was reluctant. As soon as they got home, he went back to eating as usual.

As expected, he remained ill. Then the mother was informed that there was a very wise man in the mountains. Maybe he could solve your problem.

Glass of water

A story about the power of experience

This story about the power of experience says that the woman took advantage of the fact that some of her neighbors were going to take a trip to the mountain. She asked them to seek out the sage and comment on the situation. Then perhaps he would say what could be done to make the young man stop eating and get better from his illness.

After a few days, the neighbors returned. He was then told what the sage had recommended. The sage said that the young man should follow the doctor’s recommendation because it was the most suitable.

If even knowing what the solution was, the young man persisted in his behavior, then the young man and his mother should speak to him in exactly one week.

The woman commented all this to the young man, but he paid no attention. As was his custom, he continued to eat and obviously remained ill. A week later, the mother prepared everything and went with her son to the mountains. He was hoping to find a solution to his problem.

When they arrived at the hut, the mother asked the sage what he should do. The wise man replied, “Fast for a week.” The woman was disappointed. She thought she wasted her time. The boy then said: “I cannot fast, it is impossible”.

The sage replied: “Yes, it is possible to fast. I’ve been fasting for a week since I knew you were coming.” So, the young man felt ashamed. Without hesitation, he fasted and got better a week later.

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