To Heal The Wound Of A Betrayal

Heal the wound of betrayal

Betrayal is one of the most painful experiences we can have. It doesn’t matter if it’s a boyfriend or girlfriend, friends or a family member. Whenever our trust is broken, there is a wound that takes time to heal and even sometimes never closes. Certainly, this wound of betrayal is greater when the one who betrays is someone we trust.

However, not all disappointments can be categorized as betrayal. In fact, all human beings fail each other at one time or another. There are situations in which we are not able to live up to the circumstances and we end up causing a disappointment to those we love.

However, the betrayal that hurts and marks is one that happens deliberately, with full awareness and for really selfish reasons. The one that comes from someone who has assured us something and who, at the moment of truth, behaves in a different way, knowing that he is breaking his word.

The different types of betrayal

There are different types of betrayal. From the betrayal of oneself to that which is the result of a conspiracy, which is patiently built against the other. When we talk about this topic, we usually think of a love affair. However, this is not the only one that exists.

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All forms of betrayal have two aspects in common: the break with something previously established, implicitly or explicitly, on the one hand, and the falsification of trust on the other.

Whoever is betrayed tastes the bitterest taste of deception. The person feels ridiculed and minimized. Your feelings, thoughts and expectations are neglected. She was turned into an object for the purposes of the other. That is, it was objectified and used for something that it was not aware of. That’s why betrayal is so painful and leaves such a strong imprint.

Overcome the wound of betrayal

The most harmful effect of a betrayal is to leave a deep mark of distrust in the one who has been disappointed, since that one can start to distrust everyone as a result of the lived experience. Finding the other face of the person is a long-lasting impact that doesn’t usually heal on its own. That’s why it’s important to find a way to overcome betrayal. These are some ways to achieve this:

  • Assess the situation. It is important to make clear the circumstances in which the betrayal took place. Above all, carefully examine whether there was a deliberate intention of the lie or not. Intentions matter.
  • Don’t blame yourself. Even though the betrayed person is the victim, he is often tempted to blame himself for what happened. He punishes himself by repeating more than once that he was foolish and naive. One should not take responsibility for the other. And most of all, it’s important to be good to yourself.
  • Accept what happened. Sometimes we also fall into denial of what happened. This does not allow for any advancement. It is best to accept what happened and assess whether there is a solution to it or not.
  • Give yourself time. Betrayal often makes feelings wasted. It’s good to allow time for the initial impact to subside and give way to a more lucid vision of what happened.
  • Take stock. All human beings fail at one time. Do not forget that. As hard as it is, it’s important to balance what this person has contributed to your life and the real weight of the betrayal.
  • Seek the path of forgiveness. Forgiving does not mean accepting without consequences what happened, much less pretending that nothing happened. On the contrary, it is about reconciling with oneself and learning to let go of what happened.
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Although betrayal is a bitter drink, it does not always have to give way to a lifelong trauma. The first obligation of those who are betrayed is to regain the balance to move forward. What must be avoided is that the mistake of the other becomes a stamp that marks the rest of your life.

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