Being Aware Involves Pain And A Liberating Awakening

Being aware involves pain and a liberating awakening

Consciousness is like a movement of thought where will, desire, emotions and feelings are produced. Being aware involves pain, so it’s something we avoid, it means coming face to face with ourselves. With what we don’t want to see, that we reject, and that makes us angry with others.

The problems we are experiencing are not separate from us; we are actually the problem itself. Problems exist when each person doesn’t know himself. They arise from our lack of understanding with our conscious and unconscious.

the awakening of conscience

Awakening our consciousness means starting a process in which we will feel uncomfortable,  as we will have to distance ourselves from our preconceived ideas and beliefs, relearning to expand our mindset, our perspectives and beliefs.

Our ego, formed by pride and all our childish behaviors in adulthood, represents a prison from which it is very difficult to get out. We believe that we are free and we think that we decide at all times what we want to do, however,  we are slaves to our lack of awareness and clarity to know ourselves.

Awareness and clarity initially involve pain as we remove everything we’ve been avoiding seeing. We see the damage we have done to ourselves and others, and our lack of responsibility to deal with everything that has been the result of our attitudes and our thoughts.

light responsibility

Take responsibility for who we are

It is much simpler, no doubt, to remain ignorant of who we are. It’s what we’re used to doing and, in this way, we act by blaming others and circumstances for everything that happens in our lives. We don’t even question our attitudes or our thoughts about what we live.

When we are really willing to take responsibility for our lives, the awareness process begins.  Confronting the fact of recognizing our fears, our difficulties, emotions, our limits, how we relate, prejudices, beliefs and behavior patterns.

We understand the entire repertoire of which we are part, how we relate to ourselves and others, thus identifying everything we do as our own, especially what affects us and is painful.

This process is not something theoretical, but something experiential in which we install ourselves in our present, accepting and integrating our entire repertoire of current behaviors. Thus, we leave our comfort zone, and the childlike attitude that makes us inconsistent and irresponsible in the face of the circumstances we face.

release fears

Being aware makes us free

In this awakening of consciousness that involves pain, especially at the beginning of the process, we approach all our aspects, considering our lights and our shadows. Integrating our entire repertoire to allow us to really be who we are, and to understand ourselves better.

Often it is the situations of life that place us in circumstances and phases in which we find ourselves unable to move forward and resolve our conflicts. The difficult phases we face in our lives are the ones that will lead us to start the awareness process.

We must become self-aware and free ourselves from our repressions,  the guilt that haunts us, and the toxic conflicts in our relationships with others and with ourselves. We must learn to differentiate what depends on us and our responsibility, committing ourselves to our care and well-being.

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