Bet On Optimism

bet on optimism

Throughout our lives we face negative situations and circumstances that test us every day. How to maintain optimism in these moments?

When a person we love dies, when we lose a job, when a marriage ends, we feel very bad. But, we need to learn to see the positive side of everything and learn from difficult situations.

What is optimism?

Optimism is the ability to see the bright side of things. It’s a matter of personality.

Some people face adversity with courage and are able to move forward, have a positive attitude and see the good in every situation.

Optimism comes from the Latin word “optimum”, which means “the best”.


Can we learn to be optimistic?

Psychologist Martin Seligman, Director of the Psychology Department at the University of Pennsylvania, is the creator of positive psychology and argues that: “ being optimistic is striving to find solutions, advantages and possibilities in every situation we face in life”.

Therefore, being optimistic requires a lot of effort and a lot of willpower ; it takes training.

In other words, a person can learn to be optimistic, to look on the bright side of things, so here are some simple tips:

Love yourself

We are all imperfect human beings; love your faults and your virtues.

Treat yourself every day, eat healthy, play sports, keep your brain active by reading, writing and learning new things.

Don’t seek approval from others

We often feel frustrated because our friends and family don’t accept us for who we really are and don’t approve of our decisions. But, we cannot allow this to paralyze us.

It’s important to move forward, trusting our intuition to make the right decisions.

learn to say no

How many times have you found yourself saying yes when you really wanted to say no?

Saying “no” is necessary and often therapeutic. Learn to put limits on what you don’t like or don’t like; nobody will do it for you.

We must not be afraid of the consequences of a denial, because this fear paralyzes us and makes us feel that we are not ourselves.

learn from your failures

We always learn something from our mistakes and failures. It is necessary to take a positive teaching from each error.

Try to find the positive side of every negative experience.

If your partner left you it’s because maybe he wasn’t the right person, let him go so someone else can show up or enjoy his solitude.

If you’ve lost your job, don’t fret; there may be a better job waiting for you or take this time to study.

You are the one who chooses how you want to see life.

Don’t just think, act must

It is not enough to think positively, it is necessary to “get to work” and build your reality through a positive and joyful point of view.

understand your emotions

It is necessary to understand why we feel guilty or sad in some situations, identify this emotion to understand and control it.

deep-feminine look

The benefits of optimism

good health

An optimistic person rarely gets sick and heals faster from an illness. Your positive attitude probably causes your immune system to produce the hormones needed to fight disease.

Less stress

An optimistic person is less stressed than a pessimist. The optimist believes more in himself, in his qualities, in his achievements, knows his faults, learns from his mistakes and is able to see the positive side of everything.

improves relationships

The optimist gets along well with his family, with his partner, with his co-workers; he learned to relate and know the good in each other.

The secret, as Mark Stevenson, founder of LOPO (League of Pragmatic Optimists) said, is:

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