Every Thing Has Its Moment, And Every Moment Has Its Opportunity

Each thing has its moment, and each moment its opportunity

Each thing has its moment, and each moment, in turn, opens the door to a new opportunity, one that we have to know how to see and not let slip just because others don’t think it’s very good. Because happiness in the end is an act of courage and responsibility, which also requires us to understand that, on certain occasions, what at first appears to be a problem can be an opportunity.

Albert Einstein used to say that among difficulties lie the best opportunities. Now, we also know that it’s not exactly easy to apply such an optimistic look to things. Fear, insecurity, or even the pressure of our surroundings make us believe that it is not our time yet, that we should wait a little longer in our quiet and safe comfort zone.

Nowadays, society and even many of our institutions are going through a complex period of crisis. Perhaps that moment was inevitable, we don’t know… but what cannot happen is our redemption, our dejection. It is often said that life sends us presents wrapped in problems, and the only thing we should do is dare to take out this obscure package and discover the opportunity it offers us.

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The real opportunity is how we perceive reality in each moment

For many, it’s never the best time for almost anything. They put off so many things that they leave for later, including happiness, for someday they will achieve this or that, the day they will reach what will never come. Now, we always have to bear in mind that those who postpone a lot do not live in the present, because happiness is not programmed into an agenda. Happiness is created, intuited, felt.

The way in which we perceive reality is therefore something that determines. There are those who focus only on problems until they fall into a pit of victimhood, where the darkness will never allow them to see any way out. Others, on the contrary, exercise the muscles of responsibility and courage and are able to see the problems for themselves, and within them authentic opportunities.

The question of why this dichotomy, that is, why there are those who fall into defensive mode and who, on the contrary, are able to put the key in the lock of opportunity, is answered as always by this genetic residue so latent in our brain: the fear.

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It is this instinct that whispers to us that it is better not to take risks, that it is better to leave things as they are, that it is better not to take risks. However, we have to bear in mind that in the face of each lost opportunity, in the face of each unused moment, another very exhausting sensation appears from which we cannot escape: frustration.

How to learn to see opportunities

Nowadays, in any specialized bookstore we find many manuals that explain how to make the moments of crisis our best opportunities. It is common to put Steve Jobs as an example and in particular the fact that he was fired from Apple. Far from surrendering, far from putting himself in a victim position, he created, for example, this animation giant called Pixar.

On the other hand, many of us also have times when we face one or another difficulty. Therefore, we are sure that the strategies we will describe below can help you, or at least make you reflect on them and keep them in mind.

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Tips to know how to intuit and perceive opportunities

We already know that our main enemy, the most everyday one, is fear. It is then time to work on our emotional health and understand that life, happiness, happens beyond the line of fear. Just a small step past the comfort zone.

  • We have to realize that a problem is not in external circumstances but in our mind. Try to see the problem as a learning opportunity, not something that is out of our control.
  • Another way of looking at difficulties is to stop seeing them as islands where we are isolated and trapped by a fog caused by despondency. Understand that a problem is nothing more than a process. If we are fired from a job, it is not the end of the world, but the opportunity to make a change, to start a new dynamic in life.
  • There are complex moments for which there is no solution. If we are not happy with our relationship, for example, we are facing a difficulty for which there is no other remedy but just one: goodbye. It is a new process that opens, with a beginning, middle and end, which in turn opens for us the doors of a new life cycle and, therefore, a new opportunity to be happy. But this time, in a little more solitary way.

To conclude, it’s very possible that our best opportunities are happening right now, right now. We just have to allow ourselves and be a little braver, let ourselves be carried away by imagination, courage and courage. Because remember that there is nothing more expensive than a missed opportunity…

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