Flowers In The Desert: A Tale That Will Help You Recognize Love

Flowers in the Desert: A Tale That Will Help You Recognize Love

Did love ever knock at your door and you didn’t know whether to open it or not? Maybe you didn’t know if it was love or something else, as it’s not always easy to recognize. How to be sure about this?

With this story, we show that it is possible to be confused with love, but that there are signs that can give you clues when you make an effort to plant and water something that is not a flower. Enjoy reading.

Camila lived in the desert and had never seen a flower.

One day, they  opened a branch of “Teleflor”  in the desert next door. They also had a fruit and vegetable service, but they didn’t catch Camila’s attention. Only flowers amazed her: at last she would know what it was to admire and smell one! According to his country family, there was no comparable sensation in the world.

She looked carefully at the catalog of seasonal flowers and what caught her attention was a flower with very fine petals, reddish violets, which came out of a kind of chrysalis of green leaves. “Oh, what a beautiful flower and what an ugly name,” thought Camila when she read that it was a thistle.

Camila felt ashamed when asking for her flower

When she called to place her order,  she was ashamed to call the flower by name  and say “I want a thistle”, so she described it. In less than half an hour, the delivery boy arrived on his camel and handed him a paper bag.

Camila didn’t know, but  what the delivery boy had brought was not a thistle but an artichoke. She put her nose close and didn’t smell any heady perfume. Its petals, instead of delicate, looked hard and cold. Even so, she wanted to add water, for her it was a matter of time before the violet flowers bloomed from her chrysalis.


It was a very sad week for Camila, since every day she watched her “flower” and what she saw was that nothing, absolutely nothing, changed. Well,  one day something tragic happened: the artichoke went bad.

“How can my family and friends say it’s so satisfying to have a flower when I’ve only been worried and sad about mine? asked Camila.

The girl buried what was left of the artichoke in the desert with a brief ceremony. As the days passed, she recovered and was encouraged to experiment with another flower. “Maybe a more resistant one will make me happy”, he thought before leafing through the catalogue.

A new attempt after the first failure

Camila found a flower with purple leaves that, according to the advertisement, was very resistant to high and low temperatures. It was called ornamental cabbage.

However,  this also sounded like an ugly name, so he went back to describing the plant  to the Teleflor attendant.

In about 20 minutes the delivery man delivered another bag, wondering why the girl was taking him through the desert for a simple cauliflower.

In fact, from the description,  the operator had understood that what Camila wanted was a violet cauliflower  and, as she had never seen a flower, she thought it was a phase of the cabbage until its “purple moss” turned into sheets.

Another time he put the cauliflower in the water to keep it alive, but instead of achieving that,  the cauliflower rotted giving off a nauseating odor. “Oh, this is horrible!” exclaimed Camila on the day her entire tent was contaminated by the odor. The girl buried the vegetable in the desert, without ceremony, and called her older sister who had worked in a garden when she was young.

How to recognize a flower?

“These weren’t flowers,” her sister said. “I don’t know what they were, but they weren’t flowers. A flower recognizes itself because it is beautiful without any doubts and smells good with complete confidence. And she’s always like that, except when you don’t take care of her, of course, then she withers,” he continued.

She ended the conversation with a warning: ” When you see a flower, you will recognize it  without any doubt.” The months passed and Camila devoted herself to other matters, returning to her hobbies and old friendships. When he had almost forgotten about the subject of flowers, someone knocked on his door.

Flowers and love always arrive… without warning

It was the delivery man. He had just delivered some vegetables to the tent next door and  remembered to take a souvenir, as it had been a long time since Camila had placed an order.

The man took a violet planted in a small ceramic pot from his camel’s saddlebag. Camila was amazed: “This, this… is a flower!” she exclaimed as she watched her closely and inhaled her scent. “ It’s something unique, touching, as if when we smell it we were one instead of two ”, he commented.

violet flower

The delivery boy smiled and, as he returned to his camel, congratulated himself for not having chosen the beet he had initially thought of taking as a gift.

The message of this story is crystal clear:  love has no discussion, it is or is not, there is no doubt about it. Love comes unannounced and fills us with happiness. Anything that looks like love but makes us doubt doesn’t work for us, and it certainly is something else.

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