How To Beat Anxiety To Live To The Fullest

How to beat anxiety to live to the fullest

Do you feel like you’re going through life like a sleepwalker? Would you like to have more freedom, more adventures, more time, more love and less anxiety? Are you one of those people who try to find a way to live life to the fullest, but feel that everything gets in the way?

Sadly,  many people go through life without having really experienced what it has to offer. Although each person’s circumstances are what they are, this does not mean that there is no possibility of working on what can be improved in order to live to the fullest.

A traumatic experience, the arrival of a new responsibility, or simply the observation that time passes can introduce us into a circle of anxiety. Deep down there is the fear of failure or other fears that paralyze us and do not allow us to enjoy. Anxiety about not achieving what we want to get or not getting what we hope for can paralyze us, complicating things even more.

Overcoming fear and anxiety

Anxiety is the way we have to tell ourselves that we are facing a demand that can be compromised,  thinking about the resources we think we have. This anxiety can manifest itself in many ways, such as through perfectionism, ambition, jealousy, the need to please many people or the addiction to work, among others.


To live to the fullest, it is necessary to overcome this anxiety and, above all, all these fears that limit us and trap us in this small compartment that drowns us. Like? Here are some strategies.

Cope with negative thinking and anxious behavior

As obvious as it sounds, it’s worth remembering that  to overcome anxiety, you first need to recognize it through patterns of anxiety behavior and negative thinking. It takes courage to challenge these thoughts and behaviors, but you can’t fight an enemy you don’t know.

Recognizing and identifying negative thoughts and anxious behaviors is about winning half the battle. Once unmasked, it’s much easier to fight them. This takes time, but it works.

Some of these negative thinking patterns and anxious behavior include:

  • Too much generalization: not everything that looks like it is the same thing.
  • “Mind reading”:  If you want something, say it, don’t expect others to read your thoughts.
  • Negative affirmation and self-criticism: making mistakes or doing something bad doesn’t make you an idiot or useless person, so don’t repeat this to yourself like a mantra.
  • Radical thinking:  not everything is black or white. There are millions of colors that can change everything. There are many possibilities if you look with a color filter.

To face your negative thoughts, you can use any of the following strategies:

  • Recognize and identify the negative and useless thought pattern.
  • Challenge your thoughts by thinking positive.
  • Recognize the extreme words and change your thoughts using the opposite positive word.
  • Write down the most repeated negative thoughts and consider how you can rethink them.

practice acceptance

Accept that you have anxiety. Instead of trying to suppress it, try to understand it. Your body works well, anxiety is just a warning you should heed. Running away is useless. Accepting the situation will help you to correct it.


Accepting an anxiety situation is not easy. In fact, you’re likely to feel even worse when you think about it. It’s not easy to face our own ghosts, but there’s no other way to defeat them than to face them head-on. For that it is necessary to be strong and audacious.

Accepting means understanding that right now what you are experiencing is anxiety, and you will feel more anxious as you go through the recovery process. There will be a period in which negative thoughts will keep appearing. This is natural. You just have to learn to accept them for what they are, thoughts of anxiety, and move on.

take care of yourself

Get enough sleep, eat right, exercise, hobbies, relax. Spend quality time for yourself. Not being  available to others all day or not working for a moment of the day doesn’t make you a worse person, quite the opposite. Taking care of yourself, you also take care of others, because you will be in a better position to fulfill your obligations and responsibilities.

Living to the fullest doesn’t have to mean living on top of your adrenaline every day, but enjoying every moment consciously. However, you will not be able to do this if your body or mind is not prepared.

Review your lifestyle

Pay attention to toxic relationships and situations that exist in your life. Toxic people only poison your mind, spoil the environment, and perpetuate what appears to be a state of anxiety and fear that you can’t get out of. It goes away the same way you overcome a disease: eliminating the cause, not just treating the symptoms.

everyday anxiety

Also check if the toxic person is you. If your attitude creates a bad environment, you will get what you offer in return. If you change, chances are you will also notice changes happening around you.

Other questions you should review are, for example, how much do you live to please others, whether you have clear goals, whether you are doing what you really want or what you believe you have to do, or whether you are living according to their own values.

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