I Never Turn My Back: I Give My Indifference Up Front

I never turn my back: I give my indifference up front

In this world with their backs turned, we need people who act from the front, face to face, without fear, without hesitation. Therefore, when giving someone your indifference, it is better to do so without hesitation and with the steady and calm look of someone who knows how to say “enough”, of someone who is not afraid to put limits on what he does not want or disturb his balance .

We all know that few components are as essential to human relationships as recognizing the other. Thanks to this interaction, this almost always meaningful and authentic deference, we exist, we learn and we grow as people. However, when a true bond harms us or makes us unhappy, it is also necessary to know how to “recognise” the offense and react to it instead of running away, of turning away.

One thing we must not forget is that it is always better to lose your relationship with a person than to lose your health. But in order to “get rid” of this bond or this problematic relationship, we need to act with maturity, consistency, and with an appropriate emotional intelligence. Because those who choose to simply turn their backs don’t know how to act from the front.

It takes the right skills to manage this type of situation. We will feel more empowered, satisfied, and in turn we will enjoy a better quality of life and mental health.

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Choose not to turn your back, choose to act smart

If we think about it, we will see that we live in a world full of people who are used to turning their backs on many of the things that surround them. Sometimes they don’t do it meanly or intentionally. It’s just a matter of the ego, of this invented identity that we build over time until we are suspended on the island of solitude, there where only what happens within the limits of our small psychic and emotional portion matters.

Perhaps for this reason, those who are not used to treating the people they love with empathy and recognition will also not know how to correctly manage their conflicts. Because if there’s something we don’t like, it doesn’t help much to run away, or adopt a childlike attitude capable of making invisible those you don’t like, those who don’t fit in your scores or are simply against you.

Problems face each other. Conflicts face each other. Because in the end, our existence is not a straight line without curves, nor an acetic scenario where we advance as beings immune to differences or collisions. Sometimes it’s not just the hurts that bother us. It also affects us how we react to what happens. So, doing this with maturity and intelligence will allow us to build a more valid, firmer and enriching concept of our own.

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Learn to manage your differences and conflicts

We all like people who get involved, who take sides, who have a voice and opinion on things and who, moreover, dare to defend them. This vital energy is linked in turn to an almost magical commitment to oneself. Because every personality endowed with good self-esteem does not hide or turn away, but will use the appropriate assertiveness to clearly say what he doesn’t like and why he doesn’t like it.

Next, we invite you to analyze the following strategies to better face your differences with the people around you.


Tips for bravely facing what bothers you

Gestalt therapy is always a good strategy for treating this type of situation. His holistic approach allows us to take on principles as important as responsibility, sincerity and self-respect.

Let us reflect on the following questions.

  • Focus on the “here and now” when facing this conflict. It doesn’t matter if in the past that person or that situation has actually brought you balance and happiness. If what you get now is hard hurt or a sharp offense, react. All pain experienced in the present does not accept conditional times.
  • Keep calm at all times; wrath is a foul-mouthed horse that takes us to places we don’t want. Whoever turns away runs away, acts out of fear or cowardice. Those who attack with anger and contempt do not always find the well-being they want. But on the contrary, the person who is brave and acts with emotional intelligence has learned to build a palace of moderation in his mind to act head-on, to look calmly without ever reaching aggression or contempt.
  • Speak assertively. You need to make it clear what bothers you and what you’re not willing to put up with. If we don’t speak clearly, the person in front will initiate new attempts to repeatedly cross their personal boundaries. In case you don’t make things clear and just opt ​​for an avoidance behavior, it is likely that there will be new attempts of attack, of offense.

To conclude, in this world where backs abound, let us learn to always act from the front. Even if it is to give a gift of silence, even if it is to offer an elegant look where the wisest indifference shines through.

Images courtesy of Christian Schloe.

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