Signs That You Are Emotionally Drained

Some people are emotionally exhausted due to an overload of demands or an accumulation of difficult experiences. Others reach adulthood emotionally drained from a traumatic childhood.
Signs that you are emotionally drained

Psychological exhaustion is a distressing state that many people suffer without knowing it. The individual may be emotionally drained, but believes that it is all due to not very rewarding work or not very fluid social relationships. This may be true, but it’s also possible that the opposite is happening. You’re suffering from emotional fatigue that won’t let the rest work.

Being emotionally drained means being without strength. This happens when you live automatically, not thinking or feeling too much and acting all the time as if everything that happens to you is imposed. As if her life didn’t belong to her and it didn’t matter to her.

In some cases, the person reaches adulthood emotionally drained. If your family is dysfunctional, you’ve probably had to invest a lot of energy in trying to adapt to and understand an adverse environment. These are some of the signs that can help you identify if you are a victim of emotional fatigue.

constant tiredness

This fatigue is different from normal tiredness. You feel tired even though you have had enough rest. It’s as if the body and mind don’t want to work. As if the only viable thing was to get into bed and get up next month. But even if you do, the tired feeling doesn’t go away.

emotionally exhausted woman

In fact, emotional fatigue weighs as much or even more than physical fatigue. When you are emotionally drained, circumstances overflow the resources you have to deal with them.

Likewise, a long list of unresolved emotional difficulties also results in this feeling of subjective heaviness that leads to fatigue.

Cynicism: a sign that you are emotionally drained

Modern cynicism is that attitude that leads you to insist and even brag about something being consciously done inappropriately. Something like, “Yes, I’m doing it wrong, so what?” Likewise, this cynicism is expressed through self-destructive and/or reckless actions. For example, walking late in a dangerous location, driving at high speed or other hazardous situations.

All of this is a sign that there is a general tiredness in the face of life. You are emotionally drained and this causes you to block your feelings and numb them. It’s as if you wanted to or couldn’t help screaming at the world that nothing else matters to you. Maybe you care, but your vital energy is diminished and you feel like you don’t have the strength to resist or try something better.


This kind of detachment is experienced as an inability to connect with the people or situations you find yourself in. It is as if there is an invisible distance that prevents you from creating a genuine connection with the world and with life.

hand with floating feather

Within the framework of this detachment, a feeling of loneliness may arise, which is not important to you either. You take it as a concrete fact, not a reality that you could change in your favor. It is common for you to arm yourself with phrases made about the validity of selfishness or the uselessness of affections.

feeling of helplessness

When someone is emotionally drained, they also feel powerless or incapable. The person will do everything in his power to convince himself that no effort will be enough to achieve something. This will also detract from achievement: why set goals if everything remains the same in the end?

The feeling of helplessness fuels the emotional fatigue that is experienced. It’s as if doing something takes a ton of energy. An energy that the person doesn’t have. That way, everything seems distant and difficult. That’s why an emotionally drained person often opts for passivity.

frequent boredom

There is enormous difficulty in enjoying the big and the small. Almost everything looks boring, monotonous or dull. There are no desires to make plans or undertake any projects. What prevails is inertia. The person simply lets himself be carried away by circumstances, without resisting. If this is not dealt with, it can turn into anhedonia.

If you think you’re emotionally drained, you should know that everything can be different. You probably need professional help. This is not to say that you are a victim of any kind of disability, but  someone from the outside will be able to detect it more easily and help you resolve issues that may go unnoticed.

emotionally exhausted man

In this situation, you should prioritize your well-being. Nothing is more important than you. You may be surprised to find that if you undertake a transformation process, the results can begin to be seen quickly.

It is not necessary to use force to unlock your emotions, you simply need to make the decision to choose a new path.

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