Tears Are Nothing More Than Our Wounds Evaporating

Tears are nothing more than our wounds evaporating

Let your tears fall; let the salt and water close your wounds and let everything that hurts you and causes you anguish go away with every drop. Allow the feelings to flood your body so that you can move forward, so that you can live life to the full.

Don’t hide when you cry, don’t be afraid to show yourself vulnerable, that other people will see what you feel in the depths of your soul, and that you aren’t afraid to express it. Tears are sometimes necessary, they cannot be internalized. Sooner or later they will come out, so let them flow and peace take you.

Learn to cry, to let your tears flow

Tears shouldn’t make us feel bad, just the opposite. In fact, if we think about how we feel after crying, we will find that we feel relieved, comforted, and that we can even smile now.

moon tears

So it ‘s important to learn to let our tears flow, beyond prejudice and fear of what other people might think, so let’s talk about the benefits of tears, of letting our feelings out.

help you get to know yourself

When we cry, tears help us to reflect on ourselves, what worries us, who we are and the cause of our sadness, and also help us to gain a new perspective on what really matters, beyond the little worries. everyday.

We all know what causes us anguish and there are many ways to make it all come out, such as walking, reflecting, writing down our deepest thoughts. It is, in short, not being afraid to express yourself.

They are a way to ask for help.

Crying can be a way to get attention and ask for help. Maybe it’s time for someone to listen to us and make us see things differently, or maybe we need a big hug.

And if the sadness persists and the tears don’t stop, maybe it’s time to ask a professional for help to overcome this negative mood.

release stress

Tears release stress because after crying we feel better, as crying is a way to release tension, to let go of what is pressing us.

Feel how your tears near the edge of your eyes and let them out so all your anguish will go away. The world will be cloudy for a moment, but we’ll see it clearly a few seconds later.

Allow us to connect with other people

When we cry we show ourselves vulnerable, and although one might think that crying is a sign of weakness, tears are a sign of courage, the courage to show yourself as you are, with all your faults and virtues.

hugged couple

When crying we can feel other people closer, more loving, including strangers. Tears bring us closer and connect us to other people to feel more human.

Get rid of prejudices about tears

Crying is not for the weak, it is human and it is brave. We often have the prejudice that men shouldn’t cry because they show their fragility, but actually what crying shows is the courage to let out our feelings.

On the other hand, women are sometimes seen as very sensitive and tend to hold back their tears so they don’t show sensitivity and skin-deep feelings.

However, we must assume that showing our feelings , however necessary, is something good and essential for our physical and mental health.

Leaving within us that which causes anguish can cause us a deep uneasiness. So let your tears flow, let your wounds evaporate and close with every drop that slides down your face, and never be afraid of your crying.

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