The Calm Sea Never Made A Good Sailor

The calm sea never made a good sailor

If you’ve ever had the opportunity to contemplate the sea, you might have thought that it’s one of those places that seems to belong to everyone and, at the same time, to no one. The sea is that echo of life that sometimes lets itself be caressed and sometimes escapes our hands.

As long as he is calm, every self-respecting good sailor feels that he can get carried away and so he settles down and contemplates its beauty. There is no danger in this place, just complete tranquility.

However, other times the waves hit the rocks hard and the storm shows its full wrath to the sea. At this point, the surviving sailor is the one who sets aside his self-indulgence and decides to face these terrible moments that threaten his home, because whoever decides to jump into the spell of water must also be prepared to face his wrath.

The comfort zone does not allow us to grow

With life on dry land, something similar happens, since the experiences and their teachings mainly reach those people who are able to get out of their comfort zone: abandoning self-indulgence to face the unknown is undoubtedly an incentive for life.

worried woman

In fact, we often think that we are not responsible for what happens to us when in reality what happens is that we prefer to leave our lives in the hands of what we usually call luck or fate. It’s precisely when we reach this routine that we start to feel that we don’t need to change anything and yet we are wrong.

We make mistakes because by staying in the comfort zone, we are missing opportunities to continue growing and learning. We need to believe in shipwreck in order to learn to mature with it: to see the teeth of certain winds, to face up to what spontaneously arises and that makes us lose our balance, to want to go further to touch with our soul what we have never touched and so longed for.

the feeling of security

The feeling of security when reaching a balance can be a very big emotional enemy, especially since it also gives rise to the dizziness that puts everything to waste.

In this way it is evident that anything that directly or indirectly intends to remove our structure causes fear. However, we must not forget that fears are there to be mastered, not to master us.

guide-boat butterflies

Knowing safety means having taken an important step, but daring to investigate the laws of the rough sea is a sign of bravery: only those who venture into the limitless search can attain expertise in every possible situation in their lives.

Not taking chances will make you not lose, but you will also fail to win

As we mentioned earlier, not taking the risk of making decisions that allow us to discover new things can lead to passivity and doldrums, simply because in this way we avoid failure, however, we also eliminate the possibility of success.

Human beings tend to control and balance in everyday life, thinking that this is the source of the emotional well-being that generates happiness. In this way we forget that psychological growth also requires risk : how are you going to get the job you so much want if you don’t risk trying? Thinking you can’t make it and staying put will give you control but not satisfaction.


In this way, we get used to hearing that saying that “a bird in the hand is worth a thousand in the air” and we blindly believe in it, not realizing that, unconsciously, advice like this encourages us to remain still and not fight for what we want.

It turns out that the sailor who knows the bravery of the sea may end up dying, but he also knows that facing this challenge is the only way to fully enjoy his life and to love what is left of its wreckage.

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