The Emotional Legacy Of Wise Women

The Emotional Legacy of Wise Women

My grandmothers are the wisest women I know, even if time has forgotten them, even if the world now sounds out of tune to their ears.

The legacy of these wise women will be handed down from generation to generation, with a lot of love and whispered words before going to sleep: in the advice and smiles that say a lot, often without saying a word.

The wisest women dress with a thousand lives each year they live, they know more about overcoming difficulties than any self-help book, and they keep within themselves that essence that not even time and changes can erase. It is the wisdom of courage and unconditional love that does not charge, but that enriches, supports and protects us.

The legacy of our past generations, our grandmothers, is the testimony of a woman who left her legacy of blood and affection, sometimes conflicting, but always intense and decisive.

Today we will talk about the bond formed over time between three generations: grandmothers, mothers and daughters. It is a very important connection on a physical and emotional level.

Wise Women’s Invisible Bond

We can say that grandmothers are the most qualified artisans of this knowledge that is transmitted without words.

We often observe them in their precise rituals: how they pack their things, take care of our clothes, lovingly prepare delicious dishes, how they braid their white hair each morning, and then make a very precise bun.

In each of his movements, in each gesture, not only years of practice are hidden, but the silence of the emotions kept for a lifetime.

The Emotional Legacy of Wise Women

In reality, we will never get to know all the secrets lived in his youth, his pains and disappointments. It doesn’t matter anymore; time passed and brought healing.

They transmitted to their daughters their knowledge of life, which speaks of courage and truths that transcend time. In love, we have to be prudent: don’t give your heart to someone who doesn’t deserve it; of suffering it is better not to speak, but the joys must be shown with pride.

Wise Women’s Creation Style

Experts say they treat their grandchildren differently than they treat their children. They have a significant but much more relaxed role.

There is no longer the pressure to guide the children’s steps with daily effort, with the determination that makes them forget about themselves.

The Emotional Legacy of Wise Women

Grandchildren are a gift for their maturity and a renewal of life. Their love is unconditional, and they leave it to their children to educate and set limits.

Grandmothers exercise the figure of the tree that offers roots and transmits security to their grandchildren, and the balance of an affection that knows no storms.

There is always some candy in the oven, a chair in front of a window to look at the sky and clouds, remember the past and remember many stories; these are facts that we will always remember with great affection.

The experiences of these courageous and sincere looking women speak to us of resilience. In reality, no matter our age, these women are very important to us.

We intuitively sense that they have already outgrown things we don’t even suspect. They fought battles to make themselves respected, learned to raise their voices when they were required to be silent, and perhaps they renounced many of their dreams.

These dreams, which one day projected on us and on their grandchildren: hopes and dreams that they keep inside their hearts. No love is as sincere as that of these old ladies. The wise women…

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