The Giver Must Not Remember, But The Recipient Must Never Forget

The giver must not remember, but the recipient must never forget

There is a popular saying that “being grateful is a sign of good manners”. However, we have to agree that even though we are grateful for what we receive, we should never expect a reward for our good deeds.

Being detached, generous and always being present, leaves a mark on ourselves and on the people we live with. That is, just doing something to help others creates emotional compensation and makes us feel good on many levels.

When we reach out to someone, we create footprints in many ways; footprints that will eventually become attractive, brands that make us unforgettable people. There is nothing like giving yourself away to transmit light and awaken the best version of yourself.


Kindness doesn’t ask for rewards

Usually, people who are blessed with the gift of solidarity, generosity and kindness are not aware of what their actions represent to others. In other words, their attitude is so natural that they don’t think about the impact caused by it.

N Nonetheless, the danger of giving oneself to others is to offer too much and lose the right to individuality. Often, the other can turn against us, causing us to lose the strength that characterizes surrender, impaired by the selfishness that reigns in the demands of others.

Good people make mistakes too

Good people can hurt us too, and they don’t lose their light. So, the important thing is to know how to thank each moment and each gesture, without condemning or despising anyone.

We cannot fail to recognize the efforts of some people to do good and make life easier for others. We cannot judge someone who has made a mistake, because that way we will weaken the world and the web of goodness that surrounds it.

feel happy

Not everyone is all good or all bad. We are not always what we seem, and whether we like it or not, we all have light and shadows. What makes us good or bad are the paths we choose, because they describe us and make us who we really are.

They say that people degrade when there is no humility. It’s not the big decisions but the little grains of sand that make a better world. Good people are valued by the loyalty of their hearts and the greatness of their souls.

Ultimately, recalling Cicero’s words, it must be remembered that gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, it is the mother of them all. This is because it is a virtue that comes from the heart, allowing us to respect, value and recognize what others do for us.

Life can be confusing, but let us not forget the importance of gratitude. Accept that the world is not just black and white, but that there is an infinite range of colors. Always do your best and, of course, remember that the best reward is yourself.

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