The World Needs People Who Love What They Do

The world needs people who love what they do

The world urgently needs people who love what they do. It needs vivid dreams, bright illusions and infinite will. It needs radiant hope, living love and continual honesty.

The world needs people with the sparkle in their eyes produced by the pleasure of dedicating themselves to what they like most, which moves and echoes the most. Motors and passionate about life, who do not give up.

Even if, at times, discouragement appears, people who are able to look for the colors of your storm.

People who are happy with what they do. That they have a vocation not only professional, but also social, family, personal.

People who have not lost their humanity. Look for a thousand ways and alternatives to overcome. Enchanted and unstoppable people. Brave and committed people.

Idealists and dreamers who, even if obstacles get in their way, sweat drenches their foreheads and fatigue starts to appear, like to keep going, little by little, with patience and a lot of willpower.

People who develop their potentials, who identify their dreams and, even with the difficulties, continue forward to achieve them.

People who see crises as opportunities, mistakes as learning and complications as the spring of their achievements. People with goals.

People who put love and feelings into their actions. People who are recognized by the sparkle in their eyes, because what they do is born from their deepest, most hidden interior.

People sincere in their feelings and looks. A sincere hug, a heartfelt kiss, a true smile…

Authentic people who like to be themselves. Who know that there is nothing more beautiful than the particularities and nuances that identify us, our identity sign and the digital that defines us.

People who do not provide quick excuses or justifications, who accept the consequences of their actions and who are willing to make amends if necessary. Let him know that the responsibility is not outside but inside himself.

The world has grown tired of people who are obligated and not enchanted, of living in the automatic mode instead of consciously.

The world cries out for people with desire, people with passion, people committed. To understand that life is a process with its ups and downs.

People who do whatever they do, continue to love humanity, because it is a part of us.

Where are these people?

I am convinced that here, there and beyond…

It’s them, it’s you, it’s me… all you have to do is wake up and stop living life in automatic mode. Acquire awareness. Finding the meaning, the appropriate spark that feeds our flame. And we will begin to shape it, to give it life.

Don’t give up, but persist. Find calm amidst all the noise.

Let’s look for what we love, let’s not stop chasing it and, in turn, let’s not forget to find it in our daily lives, in our little routines.

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