This Video Will Teach You How To Value Yourself

This video will teach you to value yourself

Have you ever considered the idea of ​​valuing yourself? Or is your pace of life so fast that you don’t even have time to do it? Maybe  you’ve never stopped to think about how much you value yourself  or that, when evaluating yourself, you only focus on the negatives, as the protagonist of our video does.

How we evaluate ourselves is an issue that conditions everything we do. From our personal relationships to our work performance, they are somehow influenced by the image we have of ourselves.

What is self-esteem?

There are many conceptions and theories about self-esteem. Carl Rogers, a humanistic psychologist, defined self-esteem as the basic core of personality. In turn, he defended the idea that many of the problems we have are no more than a logical consequence of the mistakes and qualifications we make to ourselves, considering that we are not worthy of being loved.

On the other hand, psychotherapist  Nathaniel Branden stated that self-esteem is the possibility and experience of being able to lead a meaningful life,  in which feelings of capacity and personal evaluation are crucial.

A more current view of this term corresponds to the psychiatrist  Luis Rojas Marcos, who defines self-esteem as the feeling of appreciation or rejection resulting from the global assessment of ourselves.

hand holding a heart

Different words for the same term, but with a single message in its essence: having a good self-esteem will make us more generous in our relationships, both in the ones we maintain with others and the ones we maintain with ourselves.

The prison of low self-esteem 

Almost all psychological problems are,  in large part, associated with low self-esteem. There is nothing more dangerous than our own judgments, and if they are negative, they will build a kind of mental prison in which we will find ourselves trapped by our own thoughts.

Having low self-esteem will prevent you from recognizing yourself as capable or valid. This will make your eyes only see the defects (as happens with André, the protagonist of our video), and most likely your thoughts will remind you of all the criticisms you’ve been accumulating.

Dragging all this baggage from childhood will make the bars of your mental prison stronger and stronger, gradually eliminating your ability to value yourself. When you don’t evaluate yourself positively, you end up in a world of constant self-deprecation, needing acceptance from others.

The importance of valuing and loving yourself

Although our level of self-esteem varies due to the various events that can happen to us and our personal growth,  the most important thing is to begin to cultivate the capacity to value and love ourselves.

Acceptance is the fundamental resource for loving yourself. In fact, remember that accepting yourself does not mean accepting the image that others say you have, but what you believe is different. Accepting yourself involves discovering yourself and starting to enjoy your authenticity as a person. Considering both its virtues and its shortcomings, trying to strengthen the former and attenuate the latter.

So  when you get to know yourself, a whole world of capabilities will unfold from within. You will no longer be that person incapable of everything, unlovable or unworthy, and you will no longer depend on external judgments.

Woman learning to value herself

On the contrary, you will be someone worthy, capable and valuable, supported by a good self-esteem that will offer possibilities for you to show your abilities and face the challenges you encounter. When you start to appreciate yourself, you will know that you have the right to be happy and you will start to respect yourself and defend your interests and needs.

How do you see yourself?

Now I offer you a challenge, just as the mysterious angel in Luc Besson’s film does to the protagonist André. Go in front of a mirror and look at yourself: What do you see? How do you see yourself? Go deeper, don’t limit yourself to just describing the physical details… What are you like? How do you rate yourself? Let go of the negative sales you use and strive to value yourself. 

It’s usually not easy to look at yourself to find out and be honest, that’s true. But much further, start saying to yourself: I love you. You may find that it is not that simple, or that, on the contrary, you have no difficulty in doing it. What stops you or makes it easy for you to say those words? Think about it.

Lastly, some questions to think about your vision of yourself:

  • How am I regarding my self-esteem?
  • Do I love myself or do I expect others to give me permission to love myself so I can do it?
  • What am I like and how do I think others think I am?
  • Am I what I really want or how others expect me to be?

Remember that now is the time to start loving and appreciating yourself…

Finally, we leave the video of the French film called Angel – A:

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