Today I’m Happy And I Don’t Need To Post On Social Media

Today I'm happy and I don't need to post on social media

Today it feels good to look at myself in the mirror, and I don’t need to take a picture for others to see. I went out into the street and gave a smile to whoever passed me. I didn’t need to post on social media to get a “like”. Those smiles are enough for me…

We are all surprised at one time to see how far some people reach these channels, these new media.

They expose their lives, their thoughts, their daily deeds on social networks as someone who opens the curtain of their mind and lets them see their own fears, their own needs.

We need to say, first of all, that new technologies and  social media  are  wonderful tools  that have enriched our lives. They bring people together, shorten distances, not to say worlds, and offer us greater accessibility to new knowledge.

However, as always happens, every object in the hands of certain people obtains a concrete use and purpose.

What’s behind these people who need to publish their thoughts every moment, or every hour they publish a selfie in front of the mirror? Let’s talk about it today.

I want your attention, I want immediate gratification

With the arrival of social networks, a new interaction scenario has opened in which it is not necessary to go out into the street to talk, to share, to seduce or to exchange information with our friends.

Now there is  a terrible immediacy. It is not necessary to go downstairs or take the bus. The person can dress up, draw their best smile and take a photo at every moment, posting on social networks.


And the reward is immediate.  In a few seconds, dozens, hundreds of “likes” appear. And that’s a fabulous thing for anyone who needs stimulation, immediate recognition, and positive reinforcement that, in reality, is as brief as it is fleeting.

And then this feat is repeated in a few hours, because getting these reinforcements is like an addiction. And because   there is always someone who pays a second of attention, even if you don’t know all the people who left a “like ”.

I share needs, voids and needs I don’t face

You may have encountered these states on multiple occasions in your social media timelines. If they are your friends and you really appreciate them, don’t hesitate to pick up the phone or stay with him/her to find out what happened, and help.

However, these messages and words are public reliefs, empty ones that, instead of being enjoyed or assimilated in silence by the person, are left in this channel visible and in plain sight.

If you don’t know the person who posted it, you may wonder after a few days what the outcome of that situation was, but in reality,  these connections never resolve.

It is preferable to leave boredom, tantrums, contempt or sadness in a cathartic way in these public squares that are social networks.


I project something I’m not to feel better

Have you ever encountered a fake profile? Have you ever made friends or had a relationship with someone who, after all, wasn’t who they claimed to be? There are many personalities who project virtues that are not real, fabulous stories accompanied by misleading photographs.

Behind social networks there are people with many needs, we shouldn’t forget that. Nor is it necessary to go to these extremes. Sometimes, we can see the behavior of some friends on our social networks, talking about things they didn’t do, or giving a distorted image of how they really are.


For many people, social networks are protective shields, where they can move through a comfort zone, where they can hide fears and insecurities,  and at the same time,  project what they want to be or have. It is no longer necessary to leave the house to find a partner. It is no longer necessary to go to certain events to make friends with people with similar tastes to ours.

The world is at our fingertips in a single  “click”  and this is, without a doubt, something wonderful; but also dangerous, depending on who’s on the computer or smartphone.

The balance

The balance lies in enjoying life with intensity, taking advantage of any channel, any scenario, but prioritizing the world of the senses: sight, touch, smell, taste…

No face is more seductive than seeing you in front of us, no hug is as warm as the one you know how to give, and no conversation is as deep as the one that arises over a cup of coffee.

However, social networks are fantastic for sharing punctual things, for communicating with people who are far away, for laughing, learning and discovering, but always respecting and knowing where the privacy of each one is. This privacy is not sold on a likes basis  .

Image credits : Pascal Campion

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