We Have To Let Go Of Those Who Have Never Been

We have to let go of those who have never been

You don’t have to come to not be there. There are many ways to be unpunctual and even not be present in someone’s life. The absence in life of those who love us is something that is chosen. In these cases, it is necessary to let go.

We must stop looking for excuses to stay and say goodbye. But a GOODBYE written in capital letters, to close all the holes through which we could enter again. Lock it under lock and key.

When we are able to let go of something that has held us for a long time, we are able to clear our minds and let go of absences we didn’t understand and that kept our lives on the line.

Woman watching the sunset and reflecting on letting go of someone who has never been

growing up is learning to let go

Being able to say goodbye to those who have never been there means not going back,  separating what enriches us from what wears us out, taking care of our own value and not dragging ourselves along begging for the crumbs of a love that only exists in our minds.

When there is no reciprocity or the balance tilts towards pain, the relationship loses all meaning  and, therefore, the only thing we can do is to agonize waiting for the seal to close what was weaving our threads.

The moment we let go of the threads, we will realize that taking the next step means releasing, growing and creating a new path. This new atmosphere will allow you to sow new emotions in a terrain that was not fertile until then.

It is always necessary to know when a stage of life is over. If we insist on staying in it longer than necessary, we lose the joy and meaning of the rest. Closing cycles, or closing doors, or closing chapters, whatever you want to call it. 

The important thing is that you can close them, and let go of moments of life that are closing. 

We cannot be in the present missing the past. Not even asking us why. What happened, happened, and we have to let go, we have to let go. We cannot be eternal children, nor late teenagers, nor employees of non-existent companies, nor have bonds with those who do not want to be linked to us. 

Moments pass and we have to let them go! 

– Paulo Coelho –

let the butterflies go

Thinking that someone will always be around is a big mistake.

There are situations where people disappear from our lives thinking they can come back whenever they want, because they are certain that we will always be here. But it’s not like that,  we all deserve respect and absences come at a high price.

Blind love is not enough guarantee that a relationship will thrive. So sometimes reticent stories need a full stop. Our emotional well-being depends on it.

It is difficult to face a decisive goodbye knowing that we will have to fight to heal the wound of abandonment. We fear the process because of our self-esteem, self-confidence, and well-being.

Free girl who learned to let go of what never was

But growth implies a certain disorientation that can cause anguish. We have to be aware that part of the path we are going to take is side by side with uncertainty.

This is not comfortable, but it is worth considering that the change will result in our reconstruction and harmony with our interior.  It’s about being honest and demanding with our emotional companions. It’s not always easy, but what’s needed isn’t always.

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