Your Life Will Start To Change When You Stop Waiting

Your life will start to change when you stop waiting

They often say that waiting is always worth it, that you have to be patient because things always come. Now, we cannot fall into the extreme of leaving our existence on “stand-by”, letting the present slip away.

According to a survey published in the Boston Globe magazine, people, especially young people, always seek immediate gratification because they lack short-term patience . However, when it comes to protecting the future and achieving goals, the “need for immediacy” is not so intense. We are able to wait long periods until our time comes.

Your life will begin to change the moment you stop expecting and adjust your expectations to reality. We need to be active agents of our present, creators of new thoughts and emotions that encourage different actions.

magic girl

When to wait becomes a voluntary choice

There are those who turn their very existence into an eternal waiting room where everything is dreamed of, but where nothing ever arrives. On the contrary, other people give very negative feedback to these states of delaying the reward or this vital goal.

It is clear that not all of us face these waiting situations in the same way: some despair and others settle down. In this second case would be the concept that many usually define as “a modern evil”: procrastination.

  • Procrastination is the act of systematically postponing those tasks that we should be doing.
  • It is a social and psychological phenomenon that does not always have to do with simple laziness, it goes beyond this idea and also explains the habit of delaying or rescheduling activities or projects, hoping that the future will solve them.
  • The “procrastinator” tends to overestimate the amount of time he has to carry out a task or project. You think it’s better to wait for the right time, which obviously is never the “here and now”.
  • It should be noted that procrastination also happens to very active people who delight in having ideas, but who never realize it because. when the time comes, they have changed their minds and have another goal in mind.

Things never come by themselves, it’s possible that fate will bring a little luck at any given time, but that’s not very often. The future doesn’t solve things if we don’t provide movement, action and the desire for change beforehand. Stop waiting and your reality will be different.

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Stop living on stand-by: be the author of your reality

Although León Tólstoi said that everything comes for those who know how to wait, living on a stand-by can make a person fall into a very desperate state of frustration and helplessness.

A survey published in the journal Psychological Science in 1997 warned that it is dangerous to put things off and limit yourself to hoping that the future itself will bring our goals by itself.

We need to be active agents of our reality, and that is why we need to consider these ideas:

  • Stop setting your expectations only for tomorrow: this is not to say that we should not consider the future, but for the future we dream to be feasible, we must act in the here and now.
  • Stop expecting so many things from others: placing high expectations on those around us brings us suffering. Expect results from yourself, take a realistic attitude about what’s around you, and allow yourself to be receptive rather than demanding to those around you.
  • There is no perfect life, but a state in which you can be happy. With this idea, the danger of setting high expectations is summed up once again. Perfection doesn’t exist, there is this wonderful balance in which you can be yourself and be proud of what you have.
  • Train your ability to act and decide without fear. Being protagonists of our history forces us to be active agents of continuous transformations that we must carry out without fear.
dream world

Sometimes we spend our time dreaming of a future that, when it arrives, brings us nothing new. So we go back to waiting, to designing. Instead of getting frustrated, we should be able to initiate change, design a plan, step out of the comfort zone, touch the moon with our fingertips whenever possible…

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